Take Two

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Ponyboy's POV: 

I walk into the living room to see Sodapop sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Sodapop," I call out. 

"Yeah?" he responds.

"Have you seen Steve?" I ask.

"He's still working for some reason. He said something about his dad wanting him out of his hair I think. Why're you asking?"

"Well... you know. It's kinda about the thing a few days ago."

"What thing?" He asks. His eyebrows are lowered towards each other, forming a puzzled look on his face.

"Steve didn't tell you about the other night? I figured you were in on the whole thing."

"Oh, I was in on the plan alright, but all he said after was that it was good at first, but that you didn't go for it. He said you wanted to walk home." He replies.

"Oh." I say. I figured Steve would've told Soda all of the details, he's Steve's best friend after all. He is also my brother, though. I guess part of me is glad Steve didn't tell him. 

"Whatever happened is the reason he hasn't been around in so long, isn't it." Soda says.


"Well, seeya later then, Pony." He says.


"Aren't you going off to find him? Isn't that why you asked?" 

"Oh! Yeah. Seeya, Sodapop."

Soda smiles at me as I head out the door.

Steve's POV:

I'm working extra today. I have been for the couple of days. I'm confused out of my mind and don't want to make anything worse, so I'm tryna do my own thing for now.

I'm in the middle of filling a car up when I see Ponyboy walking towards me. I finish up and the car drives off, leaving me alone with Ponyboy.

"Hey," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey." I respond.

"I wanted to talk to you...about the other day."


"I'm sorry for running off like that, I just--"

"I get it, don't worry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Ponyboy starts laughing for some reason.

"What?" I ask.

"Steve, I kissed you." He replies.


"Because I wanted to. I came here to say that I messed up by running off."


"I was hoping that...maybe you would give me a second chance."


"Yeah." he smiles. 

"I'd love to. Where do you want to go? My shift's just about over."

"I was thinking we could go to the drive-in. That's kinda where this all started, after all."


We both smile at each other for a bit. I take his hand in mine.

After I finish work, Ponyboy and I walk slowly to the drive-in. We talk, laugh, and hold hands. My cheeks hurt from smiling. We get to the drive-in and take our seats. I keep looking at him and catching him looking at me. We talk during the movie, which Ponyboy would usually yell at me for, and he laughs at all of my jokes. Around half way through, he scoots closer to me and I put my arm around him. I think he's smiling as much as I am. We stay during the credits.

"Okay, I predicted every plot point in that movie." I say.

He laughs.

"I've had a really good time tonight." I add.

"Me too." he says.

We're pretty close together. Are we going to kiss? I don't want to freak him out again. I'm not used to dates going this slowly with this little action, but I'm also not used to enjoying them so much. I start to inch my face towards his, giving him time to back away so he won't run off. Instead, he puts his hand on my face and pulls me towards him. Our lips touch and we kiss for a long time. I can feel him smile against my lips. This is what I've wanted for so long.

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