Chapter 2

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Well Olivia said please Connor said I love you mommy please don't leave me so the judge said Olivia said I will Connor ran up into her arms it was starting to get late Olivia took Connor home to bed when he was a sleep Eliot knocked on the door he said can I sleep over tonight ya sure what about Cathy she's in hospital what's wrong well I don't know I was at work sorry to hear about that it's fine Eliot put Eli to bed Catlin went to bed Eliot and Olivia did to that morning Olivia woke up Eliot was gone Olivia was late for work Olivia broth Connor she got to work they all looked at her Cragen said why did you bring him don't say that about Connor Cragen was getting on my nerves Cragen said go home and bring him with you you can't say that if your the one who gave him to me know I was at home when you called Connor got upset and ran away Olivia looked everywhere she went down to he's old house he was sitting in his old bedroom Olivia said why did you run away you didn't want me of course I want you how about what you said to your friend I was only messing anyway he was really cranky ok do you forgive me yes and Cragen told me to go home so I can play with you all day yey who is my dad cause you are my new mom so who is my dad I don't know but you know what I said to my friend is not through ok and I love you know matter what

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