1. In Complete Control

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Hello and welcome to my first fanfic on this new account! I've had this fanfic idea on my mind for about two months now and I finally had enough motivation to decide how the plot should go! So, please enjoy this story if you cam, but you don't have to of course!

    Waking up to the sun, the water bashing against the sandy beach, the soft breeze that batted through the cloth opening of the “tnret”. Tommy wished he could just lay there and think to himself about all of his problems and space out into his own imagination. Yet, the chatlog that popped up in his vision prevented him from doing so and made him get up to see what was going on. He swiped the hologram a few times to see the messages, since it’s been glitchy ever since his exile had occurred. A join message displayed on the transparent screen, “Dream has joined the game”. He sprung up from sitting on his bed and slowly trudged out of his shelter, the sun temporarily blinding him and using his arm as an item for putting some shade on his eyes until he got used to the bright sunlight.

     Dream spawned where he previously was, near the beach where the so-called “Party of Disappointment” was located. “Such a shame this party was such a scarce one. Hah, but that’s pretty understandable.” Dream had thought aloud to himself as he wandered over to where Tommy stood. Said boy had a small smirk tugged up on his lips as he swung his arm back and forth to mimic an excited wave. With a slight chuckle, Dream reached Tommy’s proximity and put up his friendly act as Tommy began to speak to him,” Hello, Dream! How are you, my friend?” Dream smiled and moved his mask out of the way of his face,” I’m doing alright, but have you? Not gonna lie you kinda look like sh*t so I suppose you haven’t been handling exile as well as you could be, huh?”

    Tommy sighed and his friendly demeanor died down into a miserable and vulnerable one. His shoulders slouched and he looked very tired, the bags under his eyes spoke louder than his half-lidded eyes. “I’ve just been missing everyone at L’manberg. It’s been wearing me out and putting me down, you know? I just…” he sighed and proceeded to speak his feelings to Dream,” I just don’t feel like a whole anymore, especially without Tubbo around.” Dream glared for a second, then switched to a guilty act,” I know you miss them, Tommy, but the party you had was proof that they don’t care anymore. The only one that came was me, I’m the only one who actually cares, Tommy. They didn’t even think of visiting you, but I did.” Tommy had to admit, the truth hurt him like a stab to the stomach with a knife as burning as the sun. He felt alone and believed the only one that was his true friend was Dream, who had stayed with him through all of his tough times.

    Even though Dream had told Tommy to put all of his things down into a hole so he could blow it up twice, he still thought that was because he deserved it and had done something wrong to have angered him. Things such as planning to kill him, keeping secret chests underneath his house, and causing six months of a single war over discs which were dear to him. “I know, you are my only true friend and I thank you for that, I’m still attached to the others though. Also, you weren’t the only one that visited me. Mexican Dream and Quackity did, I believe they still care about me… right, Dream?” Tommy shakily spoke, making Dream huff and glare down at him. He positioned his axe at Tommy’s throat, immediately making the boy in threat intimidated and scared of what might happen next. “They don’t care. They only visited you out of pity, alright? I’m the only one who cares, remember that.” The frantic nodding of the boy was a cue to lower the axe against his neck.

    Although he was still shaking like a leaf in a strong wind, Tommy believed the masked man and understood why he had gotten so angry at him. Dream smirked at this, at how powerful he felt and how vulnerable Tommy now was, despite him being so arrogant a few days back. “Anyways, if you have things you’d like to do, do it now. I have something to speak to you about and I’d rather you not be busy.” Dream commanded, Tommy nodding and going off to attend to his daily tasks.

    A few hours later, Tommy was all finished with everything he needed to do and strolled back over to the masked man. “So, uh, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” Tommy questioned, fidgeting with his fingers nervously in hope that he wasn’t in trouble or interrupting anything he was doing. Drema turned around to face the boy and had something in his hand. A black mask.

    “Tommy, you’ve proven to trust me, correct?” Dream asked, making sure he was right. “Yes, I trust you quite a lot actually.” Tommy smiled a bit before it faded away quickly.

“Well, I was thinking about personal training.”

“Oh, well I’m down then!”

“No, that’s not all.”

    Tommy turned his head to the side with a puzzling look, he knew something was quite odd about the situation but not enough to give off any stranger signs than that. Dream looked down at the mask then back to the blonde haired boy. He then handed off the mask to Tommy surprisingly gently. Tommy looked down at the mask, seeing that it was a black mask with white dots for eyes, a frown, and two tears on both sides underneath each eye. He knew what this meant, but wanted the reassurance that he was right about this. “Why do you have this, Dream? Is this your old mask or something?”

    Dream pointed down at the mask in question and spoke seven words that echoed through the blonde boy’s mind.

“I want you to be my apprentice.”

“Wait, are you sure you only want me? I mean, there’s others you could’ve chosen and you chose me? I’ve broken your rules so many times and made you angr-”, the boy’s rambling was cut off by a flick to the head, making Tommy hiss at the sudden pain and grab at the throbbing spot on his forehead. “Tommy, I trust you enough as well to be my sidekick. You’ve shown that you know that consequences never fail to find you now and you’ve become so obedient, I’m proud of you enough to bestow this power on to you.”
    “So, is this like some kind of promise I would have to keep for the rest of my life? Are we like brothers now?” the boy questioned, keeping his eyes locked on the mask that seemed like an abyss of saturated colors. “Not exactly, I feel as though you still have a pretty high chance of betraying me. Let’s make a pact. If either one of us betrays each other and their trust, then you are completely allowed to kill the person who betrayed first. Sealed?” Dream smirked as Tommy’s hand interlocked with his, shaking it once firmly. “Deal.” the boy simply said as the mask was suddenly closed onto his face by Dream. “You look pretty pitiful right now but that’s the intimidating part. You seem that you want help but you’d actually just kill everyone and then they’ll be the ones wanting help! See? Isn’t symbolism fun?” Tommy latched onto when Dream had spoken the word of ‘kill’. “Wait… we’re going to kill people? Like… everyone in L’manberg?” Tommy questioned, looking up at Dream through the small holes provided in the mask. “Of course, don’t you want revenge for them not caring about you?” Dream exaggerated revenge by going from a questioning tone to an aggressive, power hungry tone.

    “Yeah… I do, but killing them? Isn’t that too much?” Tommy felt hesitant about this, trying not to anger Dream at the same time. “Tommy, if I wasn’t there, you could’ve died by yourself. Now that you’re still alive, killing them would feel so much better since they intended for you to die out here anyways, right?” Tommy felt awful but also saw Dream’s words as the truth, not answering because he was still thinking about what to say. Dream’s words become more serious and intimidating the longer the boy decides to think about the previous words,” Right, Tommy?” he spoke again, raising his axe up to Tommy’s throat yet again. This time it was much closer, making his windpipe only slightly open for him to breathe and the blade sharply against his skin. He struggled to speak as he quickly and shakily responded with much fear,” Yes, yes it would be fair!” Dream then lowered the axe, smiling at him,” Good. Now, get ready to train. I have lots of things to teach you.”

     Tommy was still confused about the entire situation,” Why? Is there something we have to do?” Dream knew how the plan for the future should go, they would train for as long as they needed, then make them look all intimidating, go back to L’manberg and Pogtopia, and then command Tommy to kill everyone who has wronged him. Although he knew this, all he had said when he turned around to walk over to an open area was,” You’ll see, but it’s a very exciting day so we will definitely need to prepare for it.” Tommy wasn’t expecting that answer, but agreed nonetheless and followed Dream into the open plain field, where they would fight, train, strategize for the day that was originally named “The Big Day'' by an oblivious Tommy, to “Vengeance Day” by Dream, who had thought of the plan entirely.

1622 words
proud of myself lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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