"OUCH " i howled stepping on something that pierced my foot. I lifted my foot and saw a mini tennis bracelet stuck to my sock. I snatched it off and threw it on the marble table. "Maybe if she'd stop spoiling them so damn much " I mumbled limping to the refrigerator. Tswana refused to bring cool aid into her house sat it symbolized "the struggle " so i was stuck pouring me a glass of bitter orange juicy. I rolled my eyes She could've at least got sunny D. taking a light sip of my orange juicy i walked to the tables abd sat down. While kids weren't necessarily my forte, money definitely was. I could imagine a hundred things I could've been good but when money calls Jayd comes running. I had always need ambitious a trait i had to inherent from my dead crazy daddy cause Tara didn't have a workers bone in her body. Me and my mama Tara, were twins. From our 5'5 , 125 build. I'd like to say we got our good looks from my grandmas jewish genes, our carmel complexion and bright green eyes captured lots of attention our eyes were shaped like diamonds and we always appeared high , even though we didnt smoke , we had high cheek bones and full pink lips , our only diffrence was the tiny black mole above my lip that i'd gotten pierced , [ nanna nearly flipped saying piercings were the devils doing , she'd probably be doing summer saults in her grave if she could see my 7 tatoos ), but people often mistaked us for being sisters rather than mother and daughter. She was only 13 years older than me so thats practically what we grew up as with Grandma and Aunt Joycee raising me. My mama knew she was gorgeous and the local knuckleheads had no problem flossing her with rocks and diamonds. She got so accustomed to the lifestyle she eventually took me about moved in with her dealer boyfriend Rock. He beat her, mistreatrd her but showered us with gifts. When the no going cheater got tired of us he threw us on the streets. while we stayed with Nanna I watched her chase after men for money and vowed to need be like her. By 12 , I was hanging with the wrong crowd boosting and selling clothes, by 13 I was hooking the girls up with braids and handmade jewelry and handbags me and Nanna would spend hours making, When Nana was on her search bed I master a promise to stay out that streets I pulled boosting and thank crowd behind me and got skilled with hair and babysitting. I found odd jobs here and there to pay for necessities since my mama didn't and I even made rings now and then and sold them to my clients. At least I kept my promise to Nanna it was more than I couldn't say about the other fools running around here.

Taja ♡

"Take it to Another level no passangers on my plane ''

Im beautiful. My fair skin and red tone had people thinking I was mixed my soft baby curls and jet black hair was a bonus. I had big brown eyes and long eyelashes that accented them a cute button nose, and big kissable lips. My deep dimples showed up when I smiled or talked making me an envy of so many girls. My body was banging too as my girl 'Toya Wright ' said small waist pretty face and my booty round... By my ass it was unmistakable I was fully black. My size 7 was completely filled out in the booty compartment. I had a 28 C cup, my boobs nice and perky not to big nor small and a perfectly toned stomach. While some would argue I had some types of butt, breast or Jace surgery I knew it was allll natrual plus those who knew Joyces knew She didn't play that. At 17 , a year shy of been grown I was still afraid to cuss, yell or even roll my eye around her and i did it all that time in my movies. " I don't think you ready for this jelly " I did a booty bounce in the mirror singing Destinys Child famous tune 'Bootylicous' . I smiled at my reflection my outfit for tonight was black leather pants and a pair of red sparkily pumps. My red halter top with black buttons matched my shoes. While my outfit screamed party it was still classy. "Now I understand you get yo two left feet from ya daddy but baby that didn't match the beat at all " My mama cracked in the doorway smiling. I put my hand on my hip " Now mama y'all didn't know a thing about no bank head bounce, booty rock, pop lock and drop it or none of that y'all was probably doing the butterfly to this song " I joked. "cotton candy sweet as gold lemme see yo tootsie rolll " she twisted both legs inwardly abd began doing the butterfly. I cracked up and began doing it with her laughing at the fact that I couldn't get my feet to turn the right way. She laughed so hard, she was wiping away tears "Oh lord you are yo daddy's children " She teased. ''whatever ma, you just mad cause you cant do my dance " I joked turning back to the mirror. I held a diamond necklace to my neck and a then an elegant black one. It was 4 chains, the longest one stopping at my exposed belly button the shortest stopping at the crease of my breast. "I like the black one, simple " She daughter sitting on my bed. I cocked my head to that dude studying the two again before deciding on the black one.

"where are you two going tonight? " my mama asked.. ahh and the interrogation begins, careful not to hide my irration I shrugged ".I don't know its Don's turn and hes been really secretive about it " I said looking in the mirror and nervously rigging on my curls. I couldn't slap myself on the forhead do my word choice.. secretive?? Grr Taj.. She caught my eye in the mirror and I quizzed looked away . " I want you him before you're father. You have an audition tomorrow for a sitcom " I groaned inwardly. I seriously hated sitcoms the whole rating thing was just to much for me.

"whats that face for? " My mama asked standing to leave. It was her way of letting me know the conversation about the sitcom was coming to a close. Businesses Mom was a force to be reckoned with.

" nothing ma " I said holding back a sigh. "good " She flashed me a Million followed smile "you're friends are waiting " . when she turned her back i rolled my eyes snatching up my red clutch. 'allllll she thinks about is herself, who cares that im filming a movie ? planning a vacation to Europe? or booked with signings and interviews. what I wouldn't do to be normal. walking down our plush all white carpeted circular staircase I grinned from ear to ear at Don and Chassidy. They were on the all white couch watching something on tv. "uh uhm " I cleared my throat causing them to turn through heads in my direction. Don stood up and walked over to me lightly kissing my cheek. His Cologne teased my nose about I wanted him closer. Don was your American Gangster turned Rapper. He was tall standing at 6'3 and light skin he had light brown eyes and a.small cross tattooed under his left eye , his long Indian looking Hair was pulled back into 2 braids. Showing off his neck tattoos. When my mama first met him she nearly had a heart attack until she looked at the headlines '.STRAIGHT FROM THE HOOD INTO BEVERLY HILLS ' 'RIDE TOGETHER LEAVE TOGETHER' The media and my mama totally ate our soapy love story up. camera men from all around wanted to turn our story until a reality tv show. i was beyond happy when Don refused proving he wasn't around to get fame off my shine. with that way Don rapped he didn't need any one elses limelight he was simply a beast. Now Chassidy was a completely different story. She was born into money and I'd met her at the Rich Folks High School. We immediately became close and She began confessing she always wanted to explore the hood and see if what Hollywood painted was the truth. After 30 minutes down there she never asked to go again..

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