V2: Chapter Thirty Two

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"Zane, back off," Ann growled out. "Let her go."

He listened but stood in Lana's way when she tried to get in. "We need to talk."

Lana did not meet his gaze. "About what?" She tried to push him out of her way to no avail. "Please, Zane. I—I didn't expect to end up in bed with you."

"I know. We still have to talk."

"I rather not, so please get out of my way."

He nodded. "Fine."

Once he did, she hopped in and slammed the door shut, staring at the glove compartment like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"We are in so much trouble."

At Ann's voice, Lana lifted her gaze to meet Jack's deep brown eyes, who now stood in front of the car, preventing Ann from leaving the parking lot. Jack opened the driver side door and Ann smiled innocently.

"Hey, Daddy. What coincidence finding you here."

"Both of you out now."

Lana listened and ran to stand beside Ann after getting out. Her lips parted but at the deep growl that erupted from her Alpha, she squeezed her lips shut. When the team came, Lana's face became way too hot. Now, everyone knew of what happened.

"I asked you to stay home Ann."

"I know, but I thought—"

"What did you think? That you could capture this incubus all by yourself when an entire team has failed over and over. His power is great and able to affect everyone close enough—but I'm guessing you found that out the hard way, am I correct?"

Ann said nothing, eyes on the floor.

"It wasn't her fault," Lana said. "When Ann told me that the team was chasing an incubus, I convinced her we should try trapping him ourselves."

When amber eyes settled upon her, she took an unconscious step back; the wolf of her Alpha was out and incomplete control. "I never thought of you as someone so reckless. This could have ended up far worse than both of you waking beside the team I sent here."

He stepped forward and grabbed Lana by the forearm, but Ann grasped his wrist. "She's lying. I convinced her to come here with lies. I am the best you have and it is not fair to force me to watch from the sidelines when I can help the team." At a hard glance from her father, Ann let him go and stepped back, head hung.

When Lana spotted Kendra heading in her direction along with Aaron, she wished she could escape at that moment. Kendra simply hugged her, a hug that would have crushed her bones if she had been fully human.

"I'm fine."

"You two are going to drive us mad."

Ann folded her arms over her chest, a gesture she did since child when she got berated for breaking the rules. "You should convince my father that we are old enough to go on missions."

"Ann, Lana isn't part of the warriors—She isn't trained as you are." Kendra was losing control fast, which astounded Lana. Her sister always tried to remain calm, never losing her cool as she did then. "That fucking Incubus was armed! Tell me what would have happened if either of you got shot!"

Aaron grabbed Kendra and pulled her into a hug that appeared to calm her down so easily. Lana dropped her gaze when Vance headed toward them. Even though she tried not to, she couldn't stop herself from meeting his gaze, becoming lost instantly. His smile made the butterflies deep in her stomach flutter. It was astonishing how even though they hadn't seen each other for five years, nothing had changed. He still took her breath away with his mere presence.

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