Annie Ollivander

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~she was born February 24th, 2003

~she went to Ilvermorny and was sorted into Horned Serpent

~she's a halfblood and has an older and younger brother. Their names are Jacob and Elijah

~they're related to Jacob Kowalski on their father's side. His mother was his daughter, but he didn't actually know that

~Annie can be accident prone, so she's a very slow and cautious human

~her brothers also went to Ilvermorny

~Jacob was sorted into Pukwudgie and Elijah was also sorted Horned Serpent

~Annie is the best at wand work between the three siblings

~Annie met Dominique one week during Domi's travels and Domi came into the coffee shop Annie worked at

~they'll eventually move to Germany and adopted a little boy named Franz. His last name will be Ollivander-Weasley

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