Chapter 2: The Wise Old Jeweler

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One Year Ago, January 2015;

I wake up on New Year's Day feeling a little hungover from last night. Thank God Santana likes to keep it dark in her room, or our room now, because I don't think I could handle just the lightest of lights right now. But since it's so dark, I have no idea what time it is. I mean, it's not like I can tell time by the brightness of the sun as its rays pour in through the window but in my old room I could at least tell that it was morning. I could always just check my phone for the time; then again the light would probably burn my eyeballs. I contemplate whether or not I want to check it, but decide I rather just lay here until Santana wakes up.

I look to my left and I see her messy nest of brunette hair spread across the pillows that she's got pinned down on my left arm as her tan one lies loosely over my waist while her chest rises and falls against my side. Not to sound creepy, but I've always loved watching her sleep. She just looks so peaceful, and though I can't really see her face, I already know she looks beautiful and she's not even trying. I feel her soft breathing on my neck as she starts mumbling again. I smile to myself because she still doesn't believe me when I tell her she does that, but she definitely does and it's about the cutest thing ever. I rest my head back into the pillows and stare up at the ceiling slowly feeling myself fall back asleep. I feel the arm she has on my waist tighten as she nuzzles her nose into my neck making me smile even more. She also doesn't believe she's super clingy when she's asleep, but obviously she is. I bring up my left hand and start grazing her bare shoulder with my fingertips. Though I can't really remember much from last night, waking up to Santana's naked body pressed up against mine is about the best thing in the whole world. Her skin is always so soft and warm and smooth and just- I don't even know how to explain it, it's the greatest feeling. I'm not even talking about it in a sexual way either, though I do love that part too, I mostly like the extreme closeness. There's nothing separating our bodies from touching but maybe some bed sheets, other than that it's just skin on skin.

Right as I'm about to shut my eyes and fall back into a deep sleep, something shiny catches my attention. My eyes instantly find the object that's caught my interest and yet another dopy grin spreads across my face. Damn that Santana for tricking me into thinking she wasn't ready for marriage! Remind me to pounce on Quinn later for being in on Santana's plan too. I can't believe I didn't notice them two sneaking around before; can you blame me for thinking that my girlfriend and best friend were finally being friendly towards each other? I should've known that there was some hidden agenda, especially when I caught the two of them shopping without even telling me! Now I know where Bella gets her sneakiness from. Oh, remind me to tickle the crap out of her for siding with the enemy yet again too.

I bring up my other hand and twirl the ring around my finger, loving how perfect it fits, and loving that I can call Santana my fiancé now. Oh, just thinking about our new titles makes me wanna do a little happy dance. Maybe later after my inevitable headache stops pounding, for now, I just wanna go back to sleep. I interlock my fingers so that I've trapped Santana in my embrace and rest my head on hers as my eyes finally close. It only takes seconds for my mind to fill with sweet dreams of the future, all of which include my beautiful fiancé and maybe a cat and a whole bunch of babies.

2 Hours Later;

"Hey baby, how you feeling?" I hear San ask softly as she brushes some hair out of my face then goes to cup my cheek. I cringe at the volume though; I know she's whispering it feels like she's yelling at me at the top of her lungs. "I've got some water here and some medicine if you want to take it." She adds in an even softer voice as I slowly blink away the sleepiness from my eyes to see her deep brown ones staring back at me intently as she hovers over me a little. She smiles when I finally register that she's talking to me and I do a weak nod. "Okay here, sit up a bit so the water doesn't go everywhere." She suggests and leans in close to adjust my pillow but ends up almost hitting me in the face with her boobs. I go to giggle but the sound just hurts my ears so I end up grinning devilishly up at her. She doesn't look down at me, but the smirk on her lips sort of tells me she realized what she's done. "Alright pervy, quit staring at my tits and sit up." She teases as she sits back and gestures for me to move with a tight lipped grin.

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