Our first day of high school was a bit nerve racking considering that it was a whole new environment and our middle school teachers made it seem like such a war zone. Before eighth grade was even over I spent a good amount of time losing sleep and overthinking about the new fears and stresses this new school was going to bring. My friend group was big and they all seemed prepared and excited to start high school, it almost felt like they knew that because we were all so popular we would most likely be untouchable in high school. As much as I wanted to believe that it was hard for me to feel like popularity would last me forever. Being part of that group was already surprising enough for me and it felt like a job every day trying to fit in with them everyday, I couldn't see myself surviving it for another four years. Eventually I decided to let go of any standards or expectations and be free to do whatever it is that comes to mind every day. I didn't need to be popular to be happy and if those friends didn't like it then so be it. Today, an outcast that wears tiaras was what I felt in my bones on this beautiful September day so that is what I was going to be, who cares what anyone else thinks. My mom says its a phase I'm going through and I don't disagree with her completely, I've been through a few. 

A few days ago I walked past a shop that had a really pretty tiara in the window. My first instinct was to buy it but Mom pointed out that I would rarely find an occasion to wear it on. I almost put the tiara back but then I thought to myself; why need an occasion to wear what I want?

I slung my bookbag over my shoulder and headed down the stairs.

"Good morning, Charlie girl." My mom greeted from the kitchen. She looked up at me and stopped what she was doing with her eyebrows raised. "What a fun erm...costume." 

"It's just an outfit." I shrug. She makes an 'o' shape with her mouth and looks back down to finish slicing her fruit. 

My mom was a pretty woman. She was tallish with bright hazel eyes and the most gorgeous smile. Her hair was long and black. She had a pretty good figure for her age, and soft tan skin. We've always been very close but I know sometimes she doesn't understand where I got my "creativity" from. Thinking back to the stories aunt Jo has told me about mom she was a pretty typical popular girl that dated and married her athlete high school sweetheart. 

People say she looks exactly like me, but Louis thinks I look more like my dad. I don't see either. 

My dad serves in the army, so we rarely see him. He usually sees us about every six to eight months but so far he's canceled on us four times because one of his friends getting really hurt or because it's dangerous so mom and I haven't seen him for about 16 months. Thats almost two years! We still Skype on occasions, maybe once a week or two near the holidays. But that's basically it. My moms pretty depressed about it, she has her moments, but she handles it. Sometimes.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask still watching her cut fruit. 

"I made bacon, eggs and pancakes." She said when I walked in. I sat on my spot at the table. I liked it because I got to see the view out the kitchen window. It isn't much, just another window which is Aunt Johanna's living room. My mom says I like the seat because I get to spy on Louis but I didn't, it was mostly because there's this really pretty tree next to it. The trunk is all twisted and so are the branches. 

"Is Louis coming over this morning?"

I nodded and peered out the window and almost on cue Louis was walking into in his living room kissing his mom goodbye.

"As always, mom." I said swiveling in my chair. 

Just then the backdoor opened and in came Louis, this time he is wearing a weird hat. It was a greet baseball cap with feathers taped onto the side of it, like the Peter Pan hat.

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