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Paddy 2 hours later pov'

Everyone woke up eat the pancakes i made and went home, expect my brothers obviously, they do live with me.
I have been practicing my script for a bunch of times over and over again, Harrison and zendaya said that they would come tomorrow to help me with the script, But for now i had tom's and everybody's help.

P: Oh hey tom!

T: Did you get your script?

P: yes, but it's only like 5 lines

T: I know but if you get the role, which i know you will, you will have more lines

P: yeah your right!

T: So-


P: Not again, please don't let it be...

(Paddy checks the phone)

T: who is it?

P: ummmm

T: paddy tell me

P: well

T:your worrying me!

P: fine, it's y/n

T: your girlfriend!?

P: this is why I didn't want to tell you

T: I'm sorry, I just wanna be the fun overprotective Brother

P: you are fun! But it's just that you guys keep saying that....and I don't know what to say, do I like her? Cause if I do how..
I don't even know how she looks like.. How do I not know it's going to be a mistake?

T: let me tell you something.... But I'm only saying this to you

P: what is it?

Author's note: Finally ba Clift hanger not really I'm just to bored to write, what does he want to say? Should it be about him wanting to break up with Nadia, and wanting to go with Zendaya? Reply to this with a comment I will read!

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