New People

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!!!!!!TW for: blood, knifes, murder, basically all the things that come with killing someone.!!!!!     
~No-ones POV~

Ranbutler was cleaning around the mansion. He somehow enjoyed always working, it meant he was never bored. The only thing he dreaded was Sir Billiam. He was so strict, he never let butler breathe. Ranbutler stared at the clock, even though it had probably stopped working decades ago. He always wished Billiam would get a new one, or at least command him to fix it. Butler always had a thing for building things, it was one of the only things he was naturally good at.

~Sir Billiams POV~

I walked around my mansion. It was much smaller than my main one, but it would be too much of a hassle to move, the bigger one was hours away. You wouldn't have to be Einstein to figure out I'm not spending more than 10 minutes next to that worthless butler of mine, let alone hours. I walked around spending countless minutes searching for things that weren't perfect to my standard, the look on butler's face when he was in trouble was priceless. A spec of dust on a counter? unacceptable. A splatter of blood? Well, I couldn't name it. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the double doors, if this was another unwanted guest, I'd kill them right on the spot. I open the wooden doors to see the mailman. Oh. Atleast it wasn't like that Karl guy again.

~No-Ones POV~

"Oh, hello there, Sir Billiam! The newcomers here wanted to send you a letter. Have a fine rest of your day!"

With that, the mailman handed him a letter and promptly left. Billiam's eyes scanned the writing on the envelope. 'Hello, I hope the mailman did not mess up and you receive the letter with no complications. More details on this inside.' He opened the mail and saw one of those cheesy cards that are supposed to be funny, but obviously aren't. Well, it wouldn't hurt to invite them over. I'd say this welcoming party would be one to die for.

~The next day~
~Sir Billiam POV~

I had not let butler rest his eyes for a single second. This place had to be spotless for our new visitors.

A small knock on the door broke the silence, it must be them. I signal for butler to hide away, before opening the doors with a fake smile.

A women with dark red hair and a man with blonde stared at me. The lady was wearing a light yellow dress that went down to her knees, her hair was in a bun and she wore silk gloves. The man was wearing a pitch black suit and his hair was combed to the side, he wore, somehow even darker, flats and a rose pin was resting on his clothing.

"Hello! You must be Sir Billiam. We've just recently moved in here and thought it would be a lovely idea to come and say hello. Your mansion seems quite fair,"
the redhead said while staring at the interior decorating. Her, I'm assuming, husband just nodded and reached out for a handshake. I accept, these two don't have the slightest clue of what their fate will become in the passing minutes.

I began giving them a tour of the mansion, better to know your surroundings if you're going to die there, it makes the chase more thrilling.
"Oh and where's your maids, butlers, chefs and all of those filthy poor people. Have you not recruited any?"
The man asked, his wife giving him a violently nudge in the arm at the inconsiderate comment.
"Oh, yes. I own a butler. All you have to do is shout 'butler' and he'll come. Do you want him here right now?"
The lady nodded and linked her arm with her husband's.
"Ahem. Excuse me. BUTLER!"
I yelled, them both jumping at the sudden noise. Less than a second later he is standing behind me.
"Ah, impressive. Interesting.. way of calling him.."
I simply nod and ask what they would like from him. I get a request for wine and beer, both being handed over in an instant.
"Alright. Your presence is no longer needed anymore. Go back to cleaning, I don't want to see your face anymore," and butler walks away.

The woman stared at the ballroom. She seemed amazed by the sheer amount of room presented infront of her.
"I told you, Jared. This is what I think we should do for our ballroom. Please, tell me, where did you get that magnificent chandelier? I must know,"
I couldn't muster up anything, but a small chuckle at her amazement. It was nothing more than a regular chandelier.
"Honey, I'm sure we'll find something better than that. We should just get this tour over with and head home." She sighed at the thought of losing the chandelier, but followed his orders anyways.

~Tegan POV (the red-haired lady)~

My husband seemed anything but impressed at the mansion. I don't get it, everything is so beautiful: the paintings, the wood, the books, that wonderful chandelier. Sir Billiam even seemed like a polite man. He had asked us to stay here while he goes to 'talk to butler.' I take advantage of his absence and ask Jared why he's being so paranoid.
"Is everything alright, dear? You've been off about this place ever since we stepped in."
He just shrugs his shoulders and mumbles something about feeling as if he's being watched.
"Oh, that's just you being anxious, love. Nothing bad has happened and Billiam seems like a pleasant man. We can ask to leave early if you really don't feel like staying." Personally, I would never want to leave this place, it felt like heaven on Earth. He must've picked up on this and just sighed before assuring me he'd stay.

~Ranbutler POV~

"Alright. Sharpen your knife. I've had enough of these two blabbering on for far too long."
I didn't want to kill them, I didn't want to kill anyone ever again. The fear in everyone's eyes before you ended everything they lived for always managed to make me want to cry, but I couldn't. I was allergic to water, it would do nothing more than hurt me more.
"Tick tock, butler. It's either you help me, or I force you to help me."
The nothingness in his voice scared me more than I ever thought a single sound could. I nod and shakily grab the knife, the blood still stained on the top of the blade.
"Good. Follow me."
I did as instructed, it's not like I could do anything else anyways.

~No-ones POV~

The duo approached the married couple, both hiding a knife being their backs.
"Ah! Hello you two! Jared and I were just discussing how lucky you are to own such a luxury,"
The woman spoke, compliments just pained butler's heart more, but he had to ignore the stabbing feeling in his chest, which would soon become a reality for the visitors.
"I think I should introduce you two to the last part of the mansion. Butler will come with us in case you want anything,"
Sir Billiam lied through his pointed teeth.

He led them to the bottom floor, reaching to pull the painting off the golden screws. Jared's fear only grew and grew as the painting was lifted farther and farther away from the hinges.
"You know, I think we should take our leave, I'm sure we can discuss this more in depth at a late-"
The husband was cut off by a sword being pushed against his neck, his wife gasped in fear, almost fainting at the sight of its bloodied blade.
"Billiam! Billiam! Your butler- he's- he's-"
She stopped pleading for help at the sight of Sir Billiam pulling out a dagger himself. Her eyes widen and she finally understands the danger of this situation.
"Wait- Billiam! I'm sure we can talk this out, alright?! There's no need to hurt anyone! We can just- uhm-"
Her words faded out. She couldn't do anything at this point. It was more hopeless than any metaphor she could muster up.

A scream of pure horror and agony arised from her husband. She didn't want to look. She wanted to pinch herself, to wake up from this horrid nightmare.
"Negotiation isn't going to work. You're gonna die here. Face it. You had a good run, but all things must come to and end eventually."
She was so panicked, she couldn't tell who was speaking at this point. A sharp pain pierced her abdomen, before she fell to the ground in pain and collapsed almost instantly. The last thing she saw was her husbands bloody body being dragged away and the sound of a knife colliding with the ground.

~1460 words~
Wow. That escalated quickly.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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