Chapter one: Jimin

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I would say my life was normal, I had a job that paid me enough to pay my bills and put food in my stomach. But, all of that changed when I met him. I should probably back up so you can understand better.

My name is Park Jimin. I am 20 years old, and I work at the cafe my hyung Jin owns. My parents disowned me when I came out to them at 16, Jin-Hyung took me in and he has been my eomma figure ever since. His husband Namjoon is like my appa, only he breaks everything and is very silly. When I graduated high school I started working at the cafe with Jin, that's where I met Taehyung, my best friend. He's an alien but is amazing. I'm getting off topic aren't I? Anyways, after working for Jin I decided to move out and get my own place.

I found a nice home close to Jin and Joon, I've been living there for almost three years now. One day after I finished my shift and was going home, I heard something strange, I turned around and saw a man, I started running but he caught up to me, his eyes turned red and that's when I knew, he was a demon. Before I could call for help, everything went black, don't believe me? Well, I didn't believe it either

"Jin my shift is over I'm going to go home now"
  "Minnie baby are you sure you don't want to come home with us? We miss you!"
"I know, I miss you guys too but I'm really tired, so maybe we could set up a date next week and have a movie night?"
   "Alright, but you can't back out of this one ok??"
"Yes eomma"

Jimin sighs as he leaves the cafe to go home. After walking for some time Jimin starts to get cold. Why is it so cold? It's the middle of June" shaking that thought from his head Jimin continues walking. After some time he gets a strange feeling as if someone is following him, he turns around and sees that there is a figure walking the same direction as he is. It's probably just someone taking the same route as me, nothing more. After walking more Jimin looks back to find that the figure is still following him. Scared, Jimin starts to jog only to hear that the figure starts jogging as well. Terrified Jimin starts running as fast as he can only to find the next minute, he's pushed against a wall with a hand covering his mouth.

"If you scream, I'll have to kill you Jimin, got it?"
Terrified, Jimin nods and the man takes his hand away from his mouth
"W-what are you? W-who are you?"
"My name is Jungkook, what I am however, is something that you'll know very, very soon"

His eyes glowed a bright red, and his smile was evil, he came towards Jimin but before he could scream for help, everything went black

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