the fallout

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Because nothing was like everybody thought.
Those naïve, poor souls. Oblivious to everything happening around them or worse they were all refusing to acknowledge it. One day every bit of it came like a tidal wave for which they weren't prepared. Even Draco who was helping the Order through Hermione left his guard down for a moment, this - this was his final and biggest mistake. He had been so careful but one final doing was his fallout.

A few months earlier

Draco and Hermione had been in a relationship for almost two years now.

After they had gone past the differences between each other they gave it a chance and started dating - secretly. Draco was aware that if their friends or family knew all would disagree and try to break them apart. Only one person knew about them and it was by an accident.

One time while Hermione was going to the Room of Requirement, Theo saw her. He knew that Malfoy was there, put two and two together and the result was clear. They had agreed not to modify his memories about the happening because the boys were friends since kids and the blond trusted him. Theodore Nott promised that no one will find out because of him, willingly. And he kept it until the very end.

It was their seventh year. His girlfriend knew that he was forced to take the Dark Mark and become a Death Eater after his father was sent to Azkaban because of the Order's actions at the Ministry in year six. He wore his mark under a charm so the others won't be able to see it. Even with their opposite parts in the war that was currently going on they stayed together.

This school year had begun like every other one but not for long. After Harry's discovery about the Horcruxes, the trio had to go, find and destroy them. After Draco became part of Voldemort's army and had access to information, he tried helping the Order with what he could by giving the information to Hermione. After that she would pass the information to Moody, Professor McGonagall, or Remus. Then they would work on it.

"Granger, don't go" please was in his voice.

"Draco," she warned.

"What? What do you want? You want me to stay here, while you are Merlin knows where, exposed to danger with those blokes" he took a step towards her. Now, they were inches apart.

"You know perfectly well that I can take care of myself. Plus, they are my closest friends. They won't leave anyone hurt me" she said, trying to reassure him.

Draco knew. Of course but still. Everything can happen to her and he won't even be there to try to help her. Appearing thoughtful she might have taken this as a sign to continue.

"I have to go with them. They need me-"

"I need you, Hermione" he cut the witch off and spoke, his gaze pointed to her eyes.

She took a step, the final one and closed the space between them. Putting her arms around his neck she kissed him. It was one of those needed kisses. Malfoy moved his hands to her waist and pulled her closer to him; their bodies were pressed together, fitting like two puzzle pieces - perfect. Lips were moving against each other. A minute passed, they pulled away, and bodies still pressed together and looked at the other's eyes.

"I love you, Draco" she forced a small smile on her face.

"I love you, Granger. Always." His gaze fell.

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