Chapter 7 ~ Seeing Fireworks.

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"That was great." He whispered to me. I looked at him. Our faces were really close. We just sat there in silence, looking into each others eyes. He leaned in. I knew what was happening. I didn't even think, at that moment, I leaned in and kissed him. It was gentle at first, but it soon grew stronger. I moved my body towards his. He put one hand on my face, and the other on my back. I slowly moved my arms around his neck. It was the most amazing kiss of my life, I swear I saw fireworks. It soon turned into more than a kiss, we began making out. It had been going on for about 20 seconds when I heard foot steps slowly getting closer. Then they stopped. I didn't want to end it but I quickly pulled away and looked over. I saw Rocky, just standing there shaking. He looked broken. He turned around and sprinted up to his room.

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