Mr Deley's Problems & FINALLY Fixing Them

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𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹 ❤𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕❤

"Fairy Godmother, we got an issue in room 203. Please come to 203." The administrator for 9th grade, Simba, said and she groaned. "Ben, we need help." She yelled for him and he got up before walking over to her. I looked at Mal and she glared before we got up, walking over to the royal & headmistress. "Do you need us for anything?" Mal asked Fairy Godmother. "Are either of you dating Kaylin Underworld?" Fairy Godmother asked us. "Harry is, ma'am." Mal told her. "Thank goodness because there is a issue in room 203 that we need your help with." She said and we headed to room 203. "I don't care if they have the worst grades ever, you don't treat students like that! Your lucky that I haven't told the school board yet!" Kaylin barked at Mr Deley. "What seems to be the issue here?" Fairy Godmother asked. Mr Deley was about to speak but Kaylin glared at him and he shut his mouth. "Madame, we have an issue right now. You see, Mr Deley here has been rude to the new VK's including two girls." Kaylin explained to her.

"What do you mean by that, dear?" Fairy Godmother asked her. "Well, firstly he thought that Evie couldn't do a problem and wrongly made her come to the board on the first day of school for her when we normally don't do that. Secondly, he asked Harry a hard question knowing that he might have dyscalculia and asked him if his paper he was using to write down things was more interesting than his class. Lastly, two girls raised their hands patiently to answer a question and called on someone else even though they were the only two that raised their hands. He also threatened to give them detention. I also have a bigger list of things he has done over the past few weeks to other students if you want me to give the paper to you." Kaylin explained to her, leaning against the wall. "How dare you do that to those students?! You don't call someone to go to the board on their first day of school, you don't threaten to give students detention all because they did the right thing by raising their hands, AND you most certainly do not make fun of someone's disability!" Fairy Godmother told him. "F-Fairy Godm-" Mr Deley was cut off. "Quit the innocent act, Mr Deley, we know what you've been doing. Keep in mind, I'm the future King's childhood best friend so I have every single piece of information on every person who teaches at Auradon Prep, Medieval Middle, and Enchanted Elementary combined." Kaylin told him. She really was something.... wasn't she always though? 

"Miss Underworld, I am a teacher and you don't talk to teachers that way." Mr Deley told her and Kaylin was about to speak but Fairy Godmother cut her off. "Mr Deley, if I may interrupt, actually she is allowed to talk to you that way since I gave her permission when she's dealing with a problem like this right now." She told him. We finished the problem a few minutes later and me, Mal, Kaylin, & Ben stayed behind. "Kaylin, can we talk?" Ben asked. "What? What do you so want to talk about?" Kaylin asked him. "I'm so sorry for what I did to you and Audrey with not telling that I was dating Mal. "Ben, that wasn't the issue at all..." Kaylin told him. "Then what was the issue?" He asked her. "Ben, listen to me. I'm not mad that you didn't me that you were dating Mal. Hell, I didn't tell you that I'm dating Harry at first. My issue is that you decided to not break up with Audrey and then at the game, you forgot that Audrey thought you were dating her but still declared your love to Mal in front of everybody. Do you know how heartbroken Audrey is right now?" Kaylin explained and he was silent. "She was trying not to cry in front of everybody but she ended up crying in her dorm because of you." She told him. 

Ben sighed and leaned against the wall. "Gosh, I'm such an idiot. I should have thought about my ex before thinking about moving on." He said. "Your not an idiot, you love Mal and all you want to do is make her happy. I'm the same way with Kaylin. Ever since she's came here, she's changed me into a better man. Instead of stealing & beating others up, I'm now playing tourney and doing well in high school thanks to her." I said and Kaylin smiled before wrapping her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arm around her back and we looked at Ben. "Ben, the only way you'll be able to get Audrey to be friends with you again is to show her that you still care for her as a friend." Kaylin told him. 

"What do you think I should do?" Ben asked. "Take her to the carnival, take her for a ride, do something that shows you care about her. She will appreciate you if you do something to make her happy. She needs to know that her best friends cares about her still and wants to help her." Kaylin told him. "Do you think it will work?" Ben asked her. "Possibly or possibly not. If she doesn't forgive you, then she has a reason to because you did hurt her feelings. If she does, then show her that you deserve a second chance to be friends with her. Show her that it's okay to be friends and still love each other even though you aren't dating anymore. Who knows? Maybe she wants to date Chad now and she loves him. I saw that she really loves him enough to kiss him." Kaylin told him. "True." Ben said and smiled at her. Kaylin smiled back at him, feeling happy.

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