part 4

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Anika flashback starts:

I returned from my work one day and I saw two people sitting in my orphanage room, a beautiful lady and a boy, they looked like mother and son, along with her was my caretaker, who had looked after me from the time someone had left me in this orphanage.

My caretaker told me that they had come for my relation, an that the lady son son Daksh liked me the moment he had seen me.I lifted my head an saw Daksh, he gave me a smile, but I was too nervous to smile.

The lady gifted me some gold bangles

Anika : I can't take this aunty

Lady: No calling me aunty, you are my daughter from today onwards.Call me Maa, an she puts the bangles in my wrist

Tears flowed from my eyes for this affection, which I had longed since so long, I hugged her tight, and she hugged me back in return. My heart bloomed with an unknown person liking me so much, as my birth parents had never bothered about me.

After sometime they left.

Anika to Caretaker: I don't want to get married. I want to stay here only

Caretaker : Anika, some day you have to get married, and till when will you be here.You need your own family, a husband and children.Think over it. Daksh wants to meet you tomorrow

A Month later

"Anika come out soon beta, Daksh is waiting for you" said my caretaker.

"How does one get ready in such a small notice" fussed anika, girls take time, don't they Bholu.

Last one month Daksh had showered her with lots of happiness, they had spent each and every free moment with each other, going to the beach, gardens, restaurants, their dates list was endless. She liked spending time with him now, but just as friends, she did not know what love was, but what she had with daksh was not love, like they show in movies, butterflies in stomach, music playing, heart beat increasing... an so much more

"May be after marriage I will start loving him" Anika told bholu

Even though not in love with Daksh, she was totally in love with Maa, the lady loved her so much , and showered her with so much affection, that she wished this lady would have been her birth mother.

"Anikaaaaa....." screamed her caretaker again

"Ok Bholu, need to go now will come back soon, will miss you ,take care darling" saying this she bid farewell to her teddy bear.Little did she know that this cheerful anika was gonna b lost forever

"Daksh, where are we going today " I asked him cheerfully

Daksh : to my home

Anika : wow, mom must have prepared dinner for me.

It was kind of ritual, whenever I visited their home, the dining table used to be laden with dishes, an Maa used to keep feeding me, even though I used to be fill.. but her love was so much that my heart wanted to just have more.

Daksh: Yeah, she has

They reached Daksh home, it was in complete darkness.

Anika : why is the home in darkness, when mom is there

Daksh : Lets go inside

Both walk inside the house, it was a big bungalow., anika used to always get mesmerized seeing his house.. she had got lost here so many times...

Now as she walked inside, Daksh closed the door from behind

Anika started searching for Maa, but she could not find her anywhere

When she came to Maa room, it was empty, she was about to turn when Daksh came just behind her

Anika(a lil shocked) : where is Maa, daksh

Daksh: she has gone out

Anika felt a little unease with him alone

Anika : I think we should go out, we are not yet married an it does not look good for us to be in a house alone at night, even maa is not there

Daksh comes closer to her, an tries to kiss her. She says she does not like all this an they are not even married.

Daksh forcefully kisses her on the cheek, an tried to kiss her on lips when she pushes him away.

"I said I don't like this" saying this anika tries to walk away, but Daksh holds her hand an pulls her towards him. An takes her dupatta away.

She slaps him hard.. He gets more angry and the anger in his eyes terrifies anika...

She tries to run away, but he hold her from behind..

Daksh: Kisses her hair an whispers in her ears

Did u actually think that I wanted to marry u, I just wanted you... but I had come to know that you have high self respect , and will never agree to this. Remember u slapped one guy few days back for eves teasing you,I got irked seeing that, and I wanted you at any cost, hence all this plan

She gets shocked an feels sick remembering all the moments they had spent together, so all this time he was just lusting after her, an she had thought him to be her friend. She pushes him away an runs, an starts screaming, but the house was so big that her voice never went out.. she was no match physically for the strength Daksh possessed.

Daksh: Run as much as u want anika, no one is going to come for you

He caught hold of her again, she started pushing him again but he slapped her hard and she fell to the ground;he started moving towards her, an she started dragging herself away from him,When he was about to hold her again,someone hit him hard on the head an he fell down

An she saw her savior, she just got up an went and hugged her, it was maa,his mother. Anika sobbed an sobbed but maa did not know how to comfort her, when her own son had done this to her, to the lovely gal whom she had accepted as her daughter.

Flashback ends


Anika turned to see Shivay eyes read with anger an his fingers in tight fists.

Shivay : Where is he now? I will kill him

Anika was shocked to hear the possessiveness he had for her.. did he really love her?

Anika : Behind bars, maa spoke against him in the court.

Shivay : So the maa with whom you are staying is actually

Anika : yes, she is his mom.As she had accepted me as her daughter , she fulfilled her duty as my maa.Days together after that incident I was in depression. We changed the city, an slowly with her help I was able to come to normal.. Even now she is by trying to fulfill her duty by getting me married to you. But Shivay, I am not the same person I used to be, some part inside me is dead, I can't trust anyone, an may be never love anyone too. After all this do you still want to marry me?

Shivay comes infront and holds her hand, this time she does not get scared of him, that gives him hope

"I want to marry you now, more than anything, and fill your life with love an trust, bring back that girl whom I fell in love with" said Shivay

An anika saw hope again, of getting the family her caretaker talked about.

Precap: Shivika Wedding


This part completes here, Hope you all liked reading it.. the next part will be the last part of this FF.

Actually when I had this story in mind, I wanted to convey something .. most of us are moms to sons, most of us may be moms to sons in the future, it's our responsibility to teach them to respect girls, to teach them she not a toy to play with, she needs to be loved an nurtured.., and make this society a safer place to live, as its said "Home is the first school, an mother the first teacher"

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