Moving On

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(I decided add onto this. Comment if you want more :) )

*five years later*

It had been five years since that night. Young (y/n) sat in the recording booth with her violin. Yes, she played violin professionally. She loved it and she was happy. After a few hours of recording, she decided to go home to her husband, (favorite OHSHC character that isn't Tamaki).

*time skip to home cuz I don't wanna do the drive*

"Honey! I'm home!" her husband came out of the living room and smiled, pecking her on the lips. "Welcome home beautiful. How was the recording session?" "It went well! They are having me sing as well. I'm going to be doing a cover of one of my favorite songs." she smiled. he chuckled. "Will you be performing it?"

"Yep. Next Friday night. you should get the host club together that night and have kind if a reunion." She smiled. he thought for a minute and hen nodded. "That sounds like a great idea." he smiled an left the room in order to make a few calls to the club members to tell them when and where to meet.

*time skip to performance night cuz the time between it is just practicing*

(Y/n) took a deep breath and stepped out onto the stage of the café-like shop he was performing at. She placed her violin into poaition and started playing her beautiful songs that she had written.

Towards the end of the show, after a mountain of applause, her lovely (e/c) eyes met familiar violet ones. She sighed softly, and took a deep breath a she started to play "Moving On" by Asking Alexandria. When the time came, she started singing.

A boy of anguish, now he's a man of soul
Traded in his misery for the lonely life of the road
The years were cruel to him
No, he won't let them go
Lays awake tryna' find the man inside to pack his bags and escape this world

Tamaki gazed at the beautiful woman standing up on the stage. He wondered why he let her go. Haruhi had gotten together with a docter from America soon after high school. Of course he never told anyone. By the time he was free again, his girl was in the arms of another.

I've never been so torn up in all of my life
I should have seen this coming
I've never felt so hopeless than I do tonight
I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm moving on

She sang her heart out as she played her violin. After tonight, she would be leaving to travel with (favorite band) around the world. Her husband knew and he was happy for her.

He wanted to change the world, to make it all worthwhile
So he put his pen to paper and poured out everything inside
His red eyes tearing up at the man that he'd became
Slowly, but surely on the fast track to falling into his grave

(F/c) smiled at his wife. He would miss her smile while she was away. There was no way he would ever cheat. He loved her too much. He knew how Tamaki felt about her and was determined not to let him have her after he broke her heart.

I've never been so torn up in all of my life
I should have seen this coming
I've never felt so hopeless than I do tonight
I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm moving on

As she sang, she made eye contact with the blonde, her heart no longer fluttering as she gazed into his beautiful eyes. She had moved on.

I can't believe I've come so far in such a time
And I'm still fighting on my own
If I stop to catch my breath up I might never breathe again, so just know this:

I've never been so torn up in all of my life, I can't believe I let myself break down

A tear slowly fell down the blonde's cheek. He loved (y/n), and he decided that he would confess after the show ended.

I've never been so torn up in all of my life
I should have seen this coming
I've never felt so hopeless than I do tonight
I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm moving on

I've never been so torn up in all of my life
I should have seen this coming
I've never felt so hopeless than I do tonight
I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm moving on

A boy of anguish now, he's a man of soul
Traded in his misery for the lonely life of the road

The crowd errupted into applause. (Y/n) bowed and waved as she left the stage.

She got changed into more casual clothes and got a (favorite drink). "H-hey (Y/n)." She turned to see Tamaki standing behind her with a cup of coffee in his hands. She smiled.

"Hello Tamaki! Sit down. It's been too long." He nodded and sat down. "You did amazing." He looked at her. "Thanks. I was really nervous, but it seemed to have gone well."

"Um.....I have something to tell you...." the blonde looked down and said. "What is it?" "I'm still in love with you....madly....I don't know what I was thinking when I left you. can you give me another chance?" (y/n)'s face became serious. "I am married now. You left me, so I moved on. It's time you do the same." She gave him a sad smile and walked over to her husband, leaving Tamaki alone. He sighed. She was right. He needed to move on.

(Thank you! Song belongs to Asking Alexandria. I do NOT own OHSHC or you)

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