Part one continued very smutty

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Okay so sorry it took so long it stopped working 😭😭

I walked into the airport and sat down at our gate. After about an hour they finally called our gate. When we arrived to our hotel several hours later we were exhausted. Me and my best-friend fell asleep instantly.

Time skip:

Next morning

"Kailey wake up!" I heard someone continuously yell. "What is wrong with you Alexandria?"I ask frustrated "My problem is it's nine A.M and the doors for the meet and greet close at ten thirty and it's an hour away. "oh shit!" I say getting up and getting dressed quickly.

This is what I put on for my outfit

This is what I put on for my outfit

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And this is my makeup

After about an hour we finally get there and I step out of the car

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After about an hour we finally get there and I step out of the car. We walk up to the entrance and show the guy our bands. "Omg I can't believe this is actually happening!!" Alexandria practically screams in my ear. "Yeah, yeah I get it. " I say even though I'm kind of freaking out about it too.

🌟 Time skip!! 🌟

To when they meet Spencer! (More specifically when Kailey meets Spencer!)

After meeting all of the cast it was time to meet Spencer. He finally looked up after about five minutes of us standing there and immediately shook my hand saying hi and nice to meet you stuttering the entire time.

Spencer's P.O.V: I looked up and all I saw was beauty. I started shaking her hand and saying hi and I think it might have been a little bit too much. She looked a little creeped out to be honest.

Kailey's P.O.V: After we took our pictures and Alexandria got her arm signed we left we stayed for another thirty minutes and were about to leave when I heard Spencer yell my name. "Yes? " I turned around. "Umm can I talk to you?" He asked nicely,  so you said yes. "So uh why'd you want to talk to me?" I asked him once we were in an empty room. "Kailey you're really cute and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me maybe?" He said taking me by surprise but then I noticed that he was actually really cute. "So are you." I said giggling. Soon he smashed his lips into mine. I kissed back enjoying it. He went to the door and locked it. He came back to me and started to take off his shirt. We kissed more and he took mine off as well. Soon we were left in our underwear "Spencer." I said. "Yes?" "Let's do it now." He chuckled and pulled down his boxers.
He began rubbing through my panties. I moaned quietly. He pulled off my panties and entered. "Ah fuck." I said as he began thrusting slowly
and then began going faster, and faster. "Oh my god Kailey." He moaned. "Fuck I'm close." I said moaning. "Cum for me." He said in my neck. He began kissing my neck and leaving hickeys on my neck. That was enough to make me cum. "Fuck." He said as we both came.

  Thank you so much for waiting loves

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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