Slowly you handed it to him when he's mitch matched eyes caught yours. "I um...i don't know if you" You muttered inching closer. Ranboos eyebrows raised and he stood up straighter and got off the tree. Holding out his hand he gently took the canteen from you, his hand twitching when his claws barely brushed against yours. "T-thank you.." You hummed as a reply, watching him attempt to drink the water to see if he could. To your surprise he tilted his head back and waterfalled it. It actually made sense. He probably couldnt drink it from the canteen if the water dripped onto the part you drink from. After having his share he let out a relieved sigh and handed it to you. Drinking the rest of the water you let out your own relieved sound. Sighing and wiping the water off the corners of your mouth with your sleeve you looked up at him.

"Shall we continue on Mr.Ranboo?" You asked and slightly cringed remembering your slip up muttering a small sorry. "Yes, yes we may continue. Thank you again" You nodded, picking up the box you left in the ground with a secure grip holding it closer as you both arrived closer to the destination. Following your usual landmarks you continued walking looking around the forest. Instead of the usual silence that filled your journey on the way down the mountain you heard the sounds of birds chirping filling your ears. You flicked your ears a bit as you turned a bit making sure to not step into any bushes or run into other long plants.

Hearing the sound of a trickling creek you stopped in front of it a little ways away and looked at Ranboo. "So we have two options, we can cross this creek which of course has water in it...which you don't really get along with which is a short cut to the exit of the forest.. Or we can go the long way which is another hour or two, and it'd be late where monsters are out. It's completely your decision" You looked up at him explaining your situation. You didn't mind either option but wanted him to be comfortable. Ranboo's face had a look of worry cast over it as his eyebrows knitted together. His mitch matched eyes lit up glowing showing his concerns for the situation. He leaned to look behind you at the creek a bit. The creek wasn't rushing and had big rocks you could use to walk across. The only issue would be if he were to slip and fall due to the witnesses of the rocks.

You patiently watched him weigh his options before he nodded his head. "We can um..take the creek route" Nodding at him you inched closer and stepped onto the first rock and held your hand out to Ranboo. Looking down at the water he scrunched his eyes closed and held your hand gently and stepped onto the rock with you. Holding his hand, you cautiously guided him through the rock path taking routes so he wouldn't get wet. Around the last stone you hopped up and pulled him up with you. He let out a relieved sigh and opened his eyes looking out at the creek. Ranboos once stiff stance went into a once again relaxed hunched over look. Nodding at him you both continued walking after you let go of his hand.

Navigating your way through the trees you carefully moved bushes and branches out of the way until at last you saw only a few trees and a dirt path. The corners of your lips threatened to twitch into a small frown as you glanced at the path. Leading Ranboo to it, you stopped right at the edge. Glancing up the sun was just setting. Ranboo walked out onto the path and inhaled a small smile on his face. "Well um...i guess this is uh...the end y/n...." You frowned a bit, tail lowly swinging at your feet.

"R-right...the end...You have safe travel's M- Ranboo..." You looked to the side kicking your feet in the dirt tightly gripping the box. "Right I will! And this map leads right to the city, correct?" He double checked pulling the map you gave him out of his pack. Humming as a yes he nodded. "Alright...than...i guess this is....good..bye.." He seemed hesitant. Waving goodbye to you, you waved back watching him start walking towards his destination. Watching the monochrome boy leave...for you to be alone again. Watching him get farther you bit your lip glancing down at the box and the somewhat far away figure before grumbling. "Oh to the end with it..."

"RANBOO!" You shouted and you quickly started running towards him a small meow coming from your bag at the sudden fast movement. The monochrome boy turned around in somewhat shock. You ran until you caught up with him which was quite a bit away. Bowing a bit to catch your breath you held a hand up before holding up the beat up box and handing it to him. :Thats...*huff* Oh jeez....phew...that um...That's for your Ranboo" You heard him echo the words and he slowly grabbed the box and opened it his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Standing up traighter you watched him open the box with a hum before gasping. Ranboo pulled out a black leather book with in white paint on the front written 'Ranboo's Memory book"in curved letters, shaped to form around the glowing eye of ender that sat in the middle. It lit up with Mystery at Ranboo and sparkled in the moon light. The book also had small paintings of bees and animals you recalled him saying he liked.

"Y-you said that you had issues remembering, so...i made you a memory book while your sleeping...I figured that if you could remember what your journey's were like you could be closer to finding out who you were...and you could enjoy telling stories as passionately as you told me...and this" Reaching into a pocket you pulled out the golden heart locket. Reaching up by standing on a nearby stone on your tippy toes you shakily clipped it around his neck. "I..I want you to get this fixed for me please. You don't have to but it's my favorite and I'd like for the pretty melody to be fixed. If you don't mind of course. You were one of the best guests I've had...and the best company I've had in a very long time. You made me quite happy and I'm sad to see you go. But I want you to have fun finding who you are. Looking into his eyes you saw a look of mixed up astonishment and unreadable emotion. Something swirled in his eyes as you both stood there looking at each other.

"T..thank you...Thank you so much." He muttered looking down at the book and gripping it. Slowly opening it his eyebrows raised at the first page. In astonishment he read out loud. "Ranboo's memory book, Name: Ranboo, first friend...y/n" He smiled and you noticed the purple particles starting to form again and get sporadic around his eyes before he suddenly hugged you. "Thank You so much...I promise..i'll get this locket fixed for you. You have no idea how much this means to me. Hesitating for a bit you gently hugged back your ears tilting down and sighing. "Anything...for my friend.." He let go a small smile on his face as he waved bye again.

"..bye y/n...Thanks for being my friend..."

"Goodbye Ranboo... thank you for being my favourite friend and sharing your journey with me"

With that...he started his journey again and started his way back on his path. Chuckling with a sad smile on your face you were surprised to hear a concerned meow in your ear. Looking at Tucker confused that's when you felt it. On your face was a warm liquid sliding down your cheek. A tear...Quickly wiping your tears away you cleared your throat. "We should uh..get back...we have a long journey ahead of us. Not glancing back you started your way back to the cave...


lolz my bads- im late. But heres your chapter my children. Eat up your smol bit of angst

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