"Could you go see if Bruce has any medicine that could help her fever?" I ask Natasha.

She nods and leaves. I turn my attention back to Delilah.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" I ask her.

She doesn't move, and I can't tell what's wrong. It almost seems like she can't hear me.

The door opens, Bruce and Nat coming in. As soon as the door closes, Delilah goes rigid and falls over, shaking. Bruce rushes over and moves her away from the bed frame and puts a pillow under her head.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"She's having a seizure. We need to get Strange in here," Bruce says.

We wait for Delilah to stop seizing, and Nat calls Stephen. Bruce lays her on her side, and makes sure that she has water for when she wakes up.

"Bruce, do you know what's happening?" I ask.

"I can't tell for sure without a brain scan, but she obviously doesn't want that. Strange will be able to tell us more, and it's possible that this is all from stress."

I lay her head on my lap, and stroke her hair. She stirs a little, and I keep my hand on the top of her head. I watch her eyes flutter open, but she doesn't move.

"Hey kiddo," Bruce says. "Can you hear me?"

She nods slightly, but something doesn't seem right.

"You're okay, but you did have a seizure. We are getting another person to come check you out, okay? Is there anything we can get you while we wait?"

Her eyes are focused on one spot on the ground, but she shakes her head, not looking up.

"Do you think you could sit up to take a drink of water?" I ask. "It's okay if you need some more time."

She puts her hand flat on the ground like she is going to try to push herself up, but I watch her arms collapse under her weight. I put my hand under her head and around her arm and sit her up against me. Bruce hands her the cup.

"Just take little sips for right now. I'm also going to get you some medicine for your fever. You're doing great kiddo. You'll be okay."

Delilah takes small sips, but as she goes to lower the cup to the ground, I watch as her hands get shakier and shakier. I help her put it down while Bruce gets a little cup of medicine. He brings the little cup up to her mouth to give it to her so she doesn't have to do much. She swallows it, and I can tell how exhausted she is.

"Do you want to lay down again sweetheart?"

She nods, and I help her back down to the ground so she can rest. Nat grabs a blanket and her frog off of her bed and puts the blanket on her. Nat puts her frog next to her, and Delilah hugs it close to her.

There's a little knock at the door, and Nat opens it, revealing Stephen.

"What's going on?" He asks, quietly.

Bruce fills him in. I keep stroking her hair as they talk, hoping that she stays calm.

Stephen walks over and kneels next to us. He puts his hand on her forehead, and I watch his face drop.

"You say she just got the fever today?" He asks.

"Yes," I say. "And since then, she's passed out a couple times and had a seizure. I don't know if this is something from her past, or something that Hydra did, but she's obviously struggling."

He nods.

"I definitely want to get a brain scan, just to see what we're working with. I know that she didn't have the best reaction to the mention of it before, but I at least want to get her into the Medbay."

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