"자꾸만 맴돌아
내 주윌 빙빙빙 빙빙빙
내 곁을 맴돌아
끝없이 빙빙빙 빙빙빙"

Could be heard for the last bit of the journey. It was almost summer so Hyunjin included summer-y feeling songs to get them in the mood.

They journey wasn't that long and soon enough they were pulling in the Kim's driveway. Perhaps they had packed too many things (by they he meant he himself) because taking two trips to the car to unload between two people probably wasn't normal.

The Kims greeted them with a smile and affectionate words and if Hyunjin was a flower, he'll be blooming right then and there. Miya came running down the stairs to which all four adults told her to be careful. "It's like I have four parents!" She'd said and something tickled in Hyunjin's chest. He wasn't sure if it was hope for the future, affection for this child or desire to have children one day.

They took some time to settle in, not forgetting to message the worried wolf at home. Seungmin had a room - with a double bed - to himself on the top floor. His older sister wasn't visiting that weekend so it was just the five of them. Having shared a bed, even this particular bed, quite often it wasn't awkward for them. It wasn't the bed, it was what they'll use it for that had Hyunjin feeling short of breath.

He couldn't be thinking about that already however, because they had an entire family day planned! And he wasn't going to waste it! He didn't like the Kims only for their son after all - and he didn't like that particular Kim only for what they will do on the bed later.

They had advised that they would have to participate in mandatory family time that Saturday, before the elder Kims left that evening to return Sunday evening thus leaving them with Miya. The elder Kims had taken the opportunity to get some alone time to strengthen their marriage and relationship. Hyunjin was moved that they trusted him that much although this was not the first time. In many ways, they felt like parents, or his in-laws although he was probably just projecting. They were still his best friend's parents and he was not going to let them down!

With that in mind, he grabbed something from his bag then dragged Seungmin who wasn't finished reorganising his new albums on his music shelf (perks of being idols = free albums) down to the living room.

The others were mingling around; Miya watching some cartoons and her parents in the adjacent kitchen preparing lunch.

"Fun time is here!" Hyunjin giggled while sitting at the table. He wanted to point at himself but that would be too much and he was quite humble.

"What do you have there?" Miya asked out of curiosity.

"Our task for today" he said, getting out the 100 origami sheets he's bought from Daiso the other day.

Seungmin didn't seem that interested probably because he wasn't the best at crafts but Hyunjin turned the puppy-dog eyes on him and Miya copied him so he was forced to stay and participate.

"I want to make a dinosaur!" Miya roared.

"Which one warrior princess?" Seungmin asked.

They looked at various online tutorials and settled for one that looked easy...it wasn't and they all ended up making a mess but they reused the paper and made tiny boats instead. They had to scale up so they did simple origami first. Hearts, pencils, shrimps, frogs (they made them jump and had a competition), airplanes, more boats, roses, orchids, penguins and so much more (most were crumpled pieces of nice paper).

"Hey Jinnie" Hyunjin turned around at the other's called and was presented with a bouquet made entirely of origami flowers taped to chopsticks and wrapped in a single A4 paper. Had Hyunjin been so distracted by the penguins?

Flowers for you [SeungJin]Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu