Aaron: Are you getting married as well.

Rebecca: No, we got married last year.

Rebecca said jumping out of nowhere.

Rebecca: Were helping these two... this is my brother.

She said nudging Steve, (Y/N) at this point is so close to finding the location he just needs another minute or so.

Aaron: Congratulations. Where are you guys thinking about going?

Aaron tries to get a peak at the laptop as Steve tries to block him the best to his ability.

Steve: New Jersey.

Aaron: Oh.

Aaron looks at Rebecca.

Aaron: Where did you and your husband go?

Rebecca: Oh, he took me to London England... 

Aaron: Nice...

(Y/N): Not really, a seagull stole my fries and a pigeon shat on me twice...

(Y/N) still hadn't taking his eyes off the screen as he continued to try and pinpoint this location as Aaron played 20 questions, Steve got a little worried tho as Aaron looked at him in recognition.

Aaron: I have the exact same glasses.

Natasha: Wow, you two are practically twins.

Aaron: Yeah, I wish.

Aaron then made a weird gesture at Steve.

Aaron: Specimen.

(Y/N) had to hold in his laugh as he is a few seconds away from finding the location.

Aaron: If you guys need anything, I've been Aaron.

Steve: Thank you.

Aaron then takes his leave as Steve, Nat and Rebecca huddle around (Y/N) again.

Steve: You said two minutes come on...

(Y/N): Do you want to do this?... No?... Then don't backseat hack.

(Y/N) then pressed a few more buttons.

(Y/N): See, boom.

The location showed up on the screen as it said 'Wheaton, NJ' Steve looked at the location.

Natasha: You know it?

Steve: I used to. Let's go.

Steve then pulled the USB out as the four of them left the store.

Steve: Standard tac team. Two behind, two across, and two coming straight at us. if they make us, I'll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro.

Natasha: Shut up and put your arm around me. Laugh at something I said.

Steve wasn't to sure at first but did it anyway as (Y/N) and Rebecca did the same but Rebecca laughed at him, the four continued there way out the mall, they came to the escolaters as Rumlow is coming up as their going down, Nat turns to Steve.

Natasha: Kiss me.

Steve: What?

Natasha: Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.

Steve: Yes, they do.

(Y/N): For fuck sake.

(Y/N) pushed Steve into Nat's grips as she kissed him and (Y/N) kissed Rebecca making Rumlow look away in embarrassment, as soon as Rumlow left Nat pulled away from Steve as (Y/N) pulled away from Rebecca, Nat then started to walk down the escalator.

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