The Medusa Killer

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For Carolin - I think I found some kind of soulmate in you🤍


A fearless look is in her green eyes, when she starts to model the plaster around the mans feet.
Soft music comes from her headphones and she hums the melody while working quickly.
Her hands move with precision and it doesn’t take long until his whole lower body is stuck in the already hardening plaster.
Words fly out of his mouth, tears spill from his eyes but she chooses to ignore them, too focused on her work.
Frankly she doesn’t care what he says, there is nothing that man could say to make her stop, no amount of money would make up for the horrible things he did to that woman.
Raping her and then leaving her to bleed out on the streets.

Clio immediately took the case when the case was presented to her.
The picture of the beautiful woman, that was ripped away from her life by that horrible man, reminded her of Calliope.
Everything Clio does is to revenge Calliope, her sweet and caring older sister.
Lost in her thoughts, she doesn’t even realise that she has moved on to the mans face.
He is still crying and tries to bite her, when she takes a piece of plaster and places it over his mouth.
“Hope you rot in hell”, she spits and he lets out a scared whimper, like a little puppy.

Anger rises in her, how he was strong enough to rape and murder an innocent woman and now he can’t even face his own death without pissing himself.
He did indeed piss himself, before Clio started her work on him.
She knew his name, but she forgot or she decided to forget.
All men are the same for her, all sharing the same disgusting thoughts and desires.
So all men share the same name for her Byron Atkinson- her sisters killer.

For her it is all  just practice, for her grande finale, Byron Atkinson, the man that raped and murdered her sister.
The man that pleaded not guilty, claiming to suffer from a mental illness,that caused him to rape women like Calliope, the man that will be released soon, because money can buy you anything.
Even freedom.

Clio takes a step back from her newest masterpiece, the man is now completely plastered in, no noise comes from him and she is satisfied.
She needs to wait a little while until the plaster has dried to apply the second and third layer, so she decides to take her two dobermans, Ares and Hades for a walk.

With her wild, brunette curls,tied into a messy bun,the young woman heads outside, leaving the huge estate she grew up on.
Passing through the huge, ornamental wrought iron gates that keep people out of the estates grounds, she walks her dogs that are both her family and security system.
People on the street usually shy away when she walks past, scared of her dogs or her appearance, Clio doesn’t know.
When she walks past a shop window, she catches sight of her own reflection, her curls are flying around her head, thanks to the humid, Florida air.
Just like Medusa.
That’s what her mother used to say to her, whenever she tried to tame Clios curls.
Calliope used to tease her for it, telling her that there is no way she’d ever get with a man, when she resembles Medusa so much.

So Clio started to become Medusa. When five years ago, the police stood in her huge entrance hall and claimed the death of her sister, Clios hate for men entrenched.
Her poor, sweet Calliope, raped and killed by a man.
In the years after her death, Clio formed a plan and in order for it to work, she needed practice.
Becoming a murderer isn’t as hard as people might think, it is particularly easy when you see your older sister, alone and scared, in front of your eyes, everytime you see a man on the streets.

The Team:
Penelope Garcia points to the TV behind her “We have a new case and let me tell you it is a quite interesting one”.
The team watches her while she explains about the details, the corpse of a man was found in Miami, Florida, plastered in from  head to toe, found in an abandoned warehouse. 
Apparently it had been there for quite a long time and only been discovered when the warehouse was bought and workers thought the previous owners had left some of their mannequins behind.

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