First day of school

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The sun blares through your curtains, you wake up and rub your eyes. You get up and walk to your dresser. You look for your uniform. You struggle to find the uniform and sigh.

"Where did I put it?" You look around. You look in your closet and find it hanging up "ah! Found it!" You smile and put on the uniform.

You run downtown and put your shoes on and leave. You open the door and stumble out, You look at the side was and see someone walking to the bus stop. You run to the bus stop out of breath. "Yes. I didn't miss the bus" you smile as the bus drives beside you on the road.

You walk up the stairs onto the bus, you get up and look along the seats and see lots of people. 'Where to sit' you think. You slowly walk to an empty seat and sit down. Behind you you feel like someone watching you, you look behind you and see a taller purple boy sitting behind you drooling and staring.

"Hello ?" You say with hesitation, "h-hello hottie" he stops drooling. "My name is y/n" you smile "I'm mineta.." he blushes. "I think your very hot" he continues. You stop smiling and stay silent, the purple boy looks at you blushing  "chill, I just met you" you look at him with disgust.

Soon enough you arrive at the school, everyone on the bus stands and grab their bags. " dang I forgot my bad" you realize, "whatever" you get off the bus and head into the school. Your then greeted by a small mouse and the number 1 hero almight

"Hello newbie." The tall hero smiles "h-hello, I'm y/n and I'm ki-kinda new sooo" you stutter "yes we know! We are here to show you around!" Almight explained, they start walking down a hall "this is your class" you look in and see lots of people "it's the class 1-A" they continue.

"Come inside and introduce yourself" a tall man who looks very tired tells you "oh okay" you walk in and stand infront of your class. Your hands become sweaty and it gets hot. "My n-name is y/n" you stutter. "And my quirk is shape-shifting.

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