shawty down bad

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You stood there in silence, speechless, deer in headlights practically, unsure of what to do, well all you could think of doing was running, you were a Toad right in front of the tyrant who wanted you and your kind to be turnt into blank sheets of paper.. you were petrified however, legs unable to move no matter how much you willed yourself to, no wonder this cruel king was able to fold a huge percent of your own population on his own so quickly-


The king's hoarse, damaged voice broke through the awkward silence as you shook yourself out of being frozen in fear, taking a quick step back, your hand just about near the handles of the large door, you were still terrified of him, waiting for one more sign of movement, sound, anything, just so you could surely leave and never return, maybe forget what you saw even-

"J-just do it already, drag me off to the gallows, throw me out the window, I know that's why you're here.."

Of course your instincts kicked in before you could process what he had just said, quickly running off and out with a fearful squeak, opening and slamming the doors shut, shaking as you almost tripped down the stairs, falling back over onto the floor as you then heard the king's voice again-

"or.. don't-"

Muffled of course through the door, you felt as if your whole life was about to end.. fearful, that's what all toads were.. until nothing happened- 

hi happy 2023 gamers I'm back for one chapter :) everything before this was written before now sooo here you go you goobers!

The castle remained quiet and empty feeling still, the staircase leading up to the destroyed throne room dark without its king's magic to fuel the lanterns that lay on the floor down below, he had been damaged so greatly it was a miracle the building hadn't even fully collapsed into the volcano, most likely only being held up by the supports that wobblily balanced the main castle upon their legs. The tense fear that was so pent up deep inside of you slowly lessened as each dreadful minute passed, no sign of the tyrant king's magic or presence seemed to persist, even though you knew he was right behind those gilded doors.. perhaps he was no longer a threat, at least on a physical scale- But what would the people even say, who would even believe you that he was there? Other than perhaps the hero and the yellow origami girl who saved you and your people's hides, but it would take way too long before you would be able to reach them in time before the fallen king could possibly recover some of his abilities, so...

It was up to you, the small thieving toad, to deal with the king now, or possibly endanger the entire Mushroom Kingdom by leaving. Thus you very meekly took a deeeeep breath, put on your most intimidating face (As much as a toad can be intimidating), and turned around to face the throne room doors, you can do this! Right? Well you'd soon find out because as soon as you were about to open the door-

"A-are you going to leave? Or just sit there and watch me die!"

A very grouchy voice spoke out from behind it, clearly Olly had in the time of your contemplation gotten up, and stared at you through the crack in the door, and back to almost square one you went, gasping in fear and pressing yourself against the throne room entrance to keep the purple king locked in, as all he could do was huff and walk back off deeper into the room, at least from what you could gather from his footsteps. You were terrified, but you needed to be brave, braver than any other toad ever was, so you would stay there and try to recollect yourself.. you will be the bravest toad there ever was, soon.


'Damn that toad!' was all the fallen young king could think as he slumped against one of the few remaining walls of the destroyed throne room. His injuries were holding him back, forced to limp and barely able to even cast a spark of magic, Olivia had beaten him well and good, and despite his anger towards the loss of his empire, he had to admit he was still proud of her capabilities with origami magic, if only she used them to be on his side however.. neither the less, it was all useless wishful thinking, as Olly sat on the ground trying to stop himself from writhing in pain, some of his bones were definitely broken, and he wasn't in any shape to try and fight and claw his way out of the castle on his own, especially considering just how long he had been stuck in the rubble of his dream kingdom.

It had been about a week at this point, and as much as he was tired and angry, Olly also came to realize how hungry he had gotten, he needed to leave the castle to find not only salvation, but also just general necessities, but yet now here he was, just about ready to attempt an escape, there was you. A wretched toad, staring and gawking at him like he was a caged zoo animal, which just pissed him off even more. Oh how he wished he could send you flying or to find some way to let out his anger on you one way or another, but just like the toad's he imprisoned, he was just as helpless as they once were. Thus he assumes, you have come seeking revenge. Gripping on one of his more damaged arms and letting out a wrathful, shaky breath, he seethes at how ironic his current situation is.. and it wasn't like any of his once loyal family were going to come and save him now.

But as he sat and waited for you to open the door, run and attack at him, anything!.. nothing happened.

yep, its back, and im sillier than ever!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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