Nanno take it easy, you're going to be better than Malee in no time.

Malee looked at Nanno. She was smiling.
Malee once again felt irritated. She felt like in a competition with the new girl who's life outside this campus is unknown. Yes, Malee did feel like she could grab Nanno's hair then and there and yank it till she begs on her feet. But Malee knew better to not show her inner range to not ruin her perfectly great image infront of everyone, besides she is better than anyone in this school anyways.

They continued to play sports and teach Nanno what she needs to know. By the end of the last round that they played, almost everyone in school was watching. And of course Chakrii was there, they played hard and competitively that almost everyone saw the tension between the two. In the end, Nanno won that round and everyone praised her for her skills. Malee was filled with range, she glared at Nanno while everyone was crowding her. Even Chakrii was there which made Malee even more furious. After that her range continued, day by day Nanno was winning at everything and people kept on crowding her, praising her for everything from academics to sports.

Malee was not getting any better at concealing her grudge towards Nanno.  One morning a special quiz uphold in their classroom, it was only the first round but Malee was already struggling. The students were also wondering on why she was struggling, she was the school's pride in academics after all. Malee was panicking in the end Malee ended up getting the lowest mark in their class, which became the school's talk the days that followed. Malee is in the verge of  exploding with range.

The following days Nanno was busy chatting with teachers. One afternoon while they were doing sports in the field, Nanno  went and excused herself and entered the campus, she meant to go inside the school's staff office but there were a few people in there so she just smiled and went back to the field.  Night fell and Nanno was inside the office, she was looking through files. There was one that peaked her interest and she decided to take it with her and made copies of it, a lot of it. The next following days were just filled more with Nanno outshining Malee, and Malee being filled with even more range. 

A school's annual event, who knew this would be the click to push Malee to her last bit of sane. It was an annual sport event consisting of the sports the school has to offer. Everyone was cheering and everyone was excited to play. Nanno was supppsed to compete in this year's event and everyone was cheering on her, Malee seemed to feel like everyone has forgotten her. She went to a different part of the field where Chakrii and his teammates were and she greeted them, told them to do their best and cheered them. They all were a bit weird, she thought. They were a bit off, almost as if they were avoiding her, even Chakrii.

The event started and everyone was cheering for Nanno. They were excited to see her play for the first time. She went against Malee, Malee was looking forward to this match for she wanted to beat Nanno and get the attention she once had back to her. Everyone was excited, and then they played. The first matches were intense with all the drastic exchanges of the ball. In the end, Nanno still won. Upset and angry about the outcome, Malee walked out but no one really noticed they were all cheering for Nanno.
Malee ended up going to the rooftop. She goes there pretty often, though most of the time she was with King but now she was alone.

Few minutes later the door to the rooftop opened.
She thought it was Chakrii, but it was just Nanno. She felt worst, even more now that she saw the face of the girl she held such grudge and range to.
She glared at Nanno, while she just smiled back. Nanno walked towards the ledge where Malee was leanung on. She sat down on top of it and looked at Malee, they kept the eye contact for so long Malee felt like Nanno's eyes were burning hers.

Malee is something wrong?
"No, nothing is wrong."
Are you sad that they've forgotten about you?
Nanno said in a rather monotoned voice.
"What? Those people don't know what they're getting themselves into when they liked you."
Oh but Malee, they don't know how you got here in the first place. I think you know, between you and me. They are much above than you could ever be.

Nanno took out a file and showed it to her.
Malee took it, she was shocked to see what was inside and how Nanno has them.
Inside that very file is the secret to her success.
There were transactions from her parent's so called donations for the school, Malee's academic track, and other more things that fooled her way to the top. She was in panic and ranging with the built-in range in her, she was shaking. Nanno then handed her a recorder. She asked what was inside but Nanno only smiled at her. She pressed the play button and they heard none other than Chakrii's voice.

"Nanno why don't you just become mine? Be my girlfriend Nanno, you're perfect in every way. "
Chakrii you have Malee don't you? why are you asking me to be with you?
"I don't even care about that bitch, I only stood with her because she had the wealth and the looks. She's nothing but that, Nanno. "

The recording stopped.

Malee didn't even realized that she dropped the recorder. And that was it, the final click, Malee lost her sanity, she scremed until she was red. Nanno was just there sitting on the edge, laughing while Malee went insane.

Back at the school hallways a girl with long black hair that settled way past her shoulders, and a rather mischievous smiling lips, was walking alone towards the school's broadcasting room. Inside there were the switches she needed to access the school's electronic boards. as she sat in the chair, gliding a bit, she pushed a few buttons and there it was, the scene on the rooftop featuring an insane Malee and a frightened Nanno. She smiled while she tuned it to the boards, everyone at the field stopped with whatever they were doing and watched the screens, they were confused and shocked. The teachers were frantically wondering who was broadcasting the scene and figuring out how to stop them. They ran across the field filled with students and went back in the school and ran as fast as they could to the broadcasting room, but oh, it was already too late.

Malee's last buttons were pressed.
The scene that would forever be in the sights of everyone who saw. The scene of Nanno falling off the ledge of the rooftop where Malee pushed her, that ended with everyone seeing Nanno on the school field bathing in her own blood.
Screams were heard as students tried to runaway from the scene, where a lifeless Nanno stared back at them, her eyes wide open.

Back at the broadcasting room, the mysterious girl was smiling, no, she was laughing maniacally. As she saw the scene of the girl in the field, and the students who ran away from it, she smiled. She couldn't help but to think of how beautiful the girl in the field was, admiring her from where she was. But she couldn't stay, with that she stood up and went out through the same door she went in. She was walking away from the room while playing with her hair, she was rather smiling, with great satisfaction visible in her face. Not long after the teachers were in the scene, only to be met by the sight of their dead student lying lifeless on the school field.

The girl was long gone, and so was Nanno.
And Malee will never forget Nanno's voice as  they were the last thing she heard.

You're so pretty Malee, always the talk of the school.
So smart, Malee. Always the person to look up to.
Poor Malee, a fake.
Bad Malee, cheating with the school's standards, having mommy and daddy to pay for what she lacks.
Sad Malee, she was used by the only person she ever loved, only to know, she was never loved.

Nanno was at the school's gate whe she saw a familiar item that she could never forget. A bracelet, it had someone's initials in them which reads as; H x N. Nanno smiled and continued to walk away from the place, and to to the next.

End of Chapter I.


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