Season 2 Episode 1

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Ha Jin saw the pictures in the Goryeo exhibition and starts to cry.  Someone who realizing that she was crying violently at that moment, approaches her.  The man in the suit hands the girl his handkerchief.  She lifts her head to look at the handkerchiefs owner and sees the face  that she dream of every day.  Wang So's face.  She doesn't make sense at first and thinks she's confused by sadness.  When she takes the handkerchief, bends over and lifts her head again, but still he is standing in front of her with the same face.  This time she gets surprised and freezes. She doesn't know what to say she. The man smiles at the girl and asks if everything is okay.

"Is everything okay, miss? You must have seen a picture that impressed you."

Ha Jin did not hear him. She takes a step and puts her hand on the man's face where the scar is, but there is no scar there.  A tear falls out of her eyes.  She examines this man, who is identical to Wang So, with longing and curiosity.  Is he really Wang So?  Has he finally come to find her?

The man, startled by the touching of the girl's, stands still for a while and then withdraws.  He gives the girl's actions to her sorrow.  But he hears the hoarse word pouring out of the girl's mouth.

"My prince .."

The man is thoroughly confused.  He begins to think that the girl has some kind of mental illness.  Still smiling, he points to the handkerchief.

"It can stay with you."

Then he turns around and goes away.

Unable to understand what she just went through, Ha Jin looks to her right and left and tries to perceive where she is again.  Because when she saw Wang So again, she immadiately lost her sense of time and space.  When she realizes that she is in the exhibition again, she looks at the handkerchief in her hand. And she takes it to her nose and smells it.

"Smells like him"

When Ha Jin returns home, her mother gets alarmed when she sees her early arrival.

"Are you here Ha jin? Did something happen? Are you sick?"

Ha Jin, quietly nods.  But her gaze is blurry.  Her mind and soul remained in the exhibition.  Her mother comes to her daughter in a hurry.  She is now trembling more and more at her daughter, who has nearly passed away recently.

"Where does it hurt, dear?"

Ha Jin takes her hand to her heart while her gaze is still in one spot.

"Here ... right here"

Ha Jin is still holding the handkerchief while her mother takes her on the bed to lie down.  Even if she wants to sit down and think is it real or a dream, her body and heart, tired after what she experienced today, soon fall asleep.

When she opened her eyes, it was already evening.  She hears her brother's voice from inside.  She gets up and goes over to them.  Her brother and mother are sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Oh sister did you wake up?" says her brother

Ha Jin passes and sits down in one of the seats.

"You came. I thought you wouldn't come today."

"Oh, my mother called and said your sister is not feeling well. That's why I had to cancel the plan. But it doesn't matter. I haven't watched games at home for a long time. Look, I even bought chicken and beer."  Say, lifting the order bag with one hand.

That evening, they sit together and watch a game together.  Ha jin feels a little better now.  Since she sleeps during the day, she doesn't sleep in bed at night and turns around.  Is it really a dream what she see today?  Or is it real?
Was that man really Wang So, or did her brain play a trick on her?

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