Movie night

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Kiibo and miu were done Grabbing everything and sat down on the couch "the fuck you wanna watch?" Miu said "I Uh I don't know" "okay then" miu said as she flicked through the shows and movies that displayed on the TV. Kiibo just fidgeting with his fingers as he look down at his feet, miu caught how uncomfortable he looked and decided to call him out "what happened witchu?" Miu said "nothing nothing uh Oo can we watch that?" "Heh classic I like your taste" miu said smiling and kiibo smiled in return and miu pressed on the TV remote and pressed on the comedy and it started. Kiibo just stared at miu who was already eating her candy and miu looked over and saw the robot staring at her which caused him to look away fast "go on eat" miu encouraged "I uh heh heh I can't" kiibo admitted embarrassed "oh okay then" miu did "wait,why did you pick out candy if you can't even EAT IT??" Miu said getting off the couch slightly agitated "I uh. I'm sorry iruma-San" kiibo said "it's whatever I guess." Miu sat back down and continued watching the comedy. After a while of episodes kiibo realized it was very late "uh Iruma-san?" "Yeah?" Miu said looking over "can we go to bed? I'm tired" "short Circuit?" "Uh what??" "Ugh neverminddddddd fine" miu said annoyed and kiibo felt bad for Annoying as a friend but at the same time it was starting to get annoying that he had to walk on eggshells so he wouldn't annoy her "why are you so shirt tempered?" Kiibo asked "what?!" Miu said " you get so angry so easily why do you do that?" "I'm the fucking ultimate inventor doesn't that explain it??" Miu said "o-oh yeah ahem sorry" "it's whatever just use whatever is in your head next time, oooo speaking of which can I-"no" "ughhhh party pooper" miu rolled her eyes and kiibo giggled and miu then smiled and threw over a pillow and blanket "I'm going in my Room now see ya later metal man" miu said "goodnight iruma-san" kiibo said smiling and miu turned and went to her room to go to sleep and kiibo got curious "wow this room sure is big" kiibo said thinking out loud "shut uppppp" miu said "uh heh umm sorry iruma-San" "and that's right man I love everything big if you ahem catch my drift heh heh" "grosss iruma" "goodnight kiibo" miu said and kiibo got taken it back "g-goodnight miu.....

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