Festival of yukai

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Flicker, it was so fast, like if someone had just run by it from behind. But Rose let it go as got down to the car. Hina had in the back of the car two sets of Yukatas, summer kimono, and so of they went.

They found a parking spot, got everything out of the car. Walking to the hotel Rose got the weird feeling again, being watched, but of many more then last time.

Stepping into the hotel, it was a buzzing dealing, for in that moment she spotted a hidden Japanese blessed thing, it was something like good luck mark. It gave of a tiny glow in two sekunds before dimmed down, the hotel personal just said he would send someone to change the light bulb afterwarsds.

Rose had a simple blue one with flowers and butterflies, as Hina had a red one with white flowers. Their belts were of one could that stood out Tabi socks and getta sandals.

Walking out to see people that were to getting to the Shrine, so many people, it was almost overwhelming. There was people passing all the time, like an box with sand that would last forever. A sea of humans passing them, people in different clothing, some went the way they were heading and other not.

From time to time Rose and Hina had to stop to let people by, there were so many. But it had been a risk Rose had taken as she had chosen one of the biggest festivals to attend to. So smiling as nothing, she kept up with Hina who looked like an adventurer who was plowing through thick forest.

It was good that Hina had hold thigh Rose as from time to time Rose mind were somewhere else. Because she was seeing things in the crowd, like for a second fox ears, or a tail, but they disappeared as fast as she had seen them. Like if they were playing with her.

After what felt like hours they got to the main gate, the first Tori they were to go under before some steps to get onto the shrine grounds.

As Rose passed under, a new sensation spread in her, like if something in her grew and that she had stepped into someone's house without asking. But there was something more with it, it also was inviting to her.

It was weird as they passed under, because a shrine girl who was helping out to pass some fliers, her eyes went to the pair in the second they had stepped into the grounds.



"Did you see what I saw? The shrine girl..."

"Yes, but that surly because of your hair and height. You are still over the normal height of the girls in this country."


As they meet the girl by the steps she smiled, greeted them and passed a flier to them both. Hina got her native language and Rose got in English.

But Rose felt uncomfortable, because the way the girl looked at her. No, she was being watched from all corners. Eyes following her every step as the two of them were to climb the steps. Like if people were waiting on the grand final, watching her.

It was for a reason to, because as her foot landed on the first step, there was the flick of light again in the stone lantern's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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