Big Sis Akauri

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I slowly opened my eyes as I felt a pair of hands rubbing my back. I looked up to see my big sister still asleep. I kinda wanted to wake her up, but I don't really want to make her cranky. But I really needed something. I slowly took the blanket off of us and moved her arms to the side. I slowly got off her and was about to make my way to the kitchen.....until I felt something weird.

"Umm...what was that?" I thought. I decided to wake up my sister for help. Carefully, I shook her while quietly telling her to wake up. 

"Ngh...Nikko, I'm sleeping." She groaned. I just sighed.

"Aki, please, I need some help." I begged. She finally sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Nikko, I'm not gonna make you food, you know how to cook yourself." She grumbled.

"No, it's not that...I wanted to know....Why did I feel a slight rush in my underwear when I got up?". I asked. She jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Okay do me a favor and go to the bathroom and try wiping. If you see a red substance, say in there and just let me know, okay?" I did as she said and rushed over to the bathroom. I grabbed a good amount of toilet paper and just followed her instructions. I looked at what I got and saw a red substance.

"Hey Aki! I got a red substance of something, I think it might be blood." I shout from the bathroom. I heard nothing but silence.


Holy shit holy shit holy shit this is actually happening!

"Oh my god! Okay it's happening everybody stay calm, stay calm..."

"What's the procedure?" I heard Nikko shout from the bathroom.

"STAY FUCKING CALM!!". I was panicking so bad my heart was racing faster than a car in the Indy 500s. I grabbed a pad from my drawer and slid it under the bathroom door.

"Keep this on deck until I can get you a new pair of underwear, okay?" I asked her from outside.

"Okay, but what's going on?" She asked me. I told her that I would explain later and rushed to her room to grab a new pair of underwear. I did the same thing I did with the pad and slid it as far as I could under the door. 

"Okay, take off your current underwear, put the new pair on, but not fully, because you need to put the pad on as well after you've done that. Got it?" I told her.

"Yeah, I think I got it, although, I'm starting to not feel good..." she groaned. Oh god..

"Okay, don't worry, I'll have something for you, for now, just do what I told you and come out when you're ready." I left the conversation there and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I only got the ones that were in the fridge for a long time, because those bottles are super cold, and if there's one thing about me and Nikko, it's that we love ice cold water. I opened the drawer and grabbed a bottle of ibuprofen. 

"Akiiiii....that pain is really settling in..." I heard Nikko groan from behind me.

"Don't worry, just take two of these and let the pills do the rest." I said handing her both bottles. I guided her to the couch and sat her down. I turned the TV on and sat down next to her. I heard a gulp and felt a head resting on my thighs.

"The pills aren't working..." she sighed.

"Give it a sec, you'll feel much better in a few minutes." I told her. We spent the whole day just watching TV, or, at least I did. I was so into it I didn't even realize that Nikko fell asleep on me. I didn't bother to move. Besides, I was already comfortable. After about an hour, I felt my phone vibrate under my hand. It was a call from my mom. Carefully, I answered.

"Hey mom." I started. 

"Hey hun, just checking in on you. Are you guys doing okay?" She asked. I slightly gulped.

"Well, I'm okay, but I'm also handling a Code Pink." I replied. I could feel her panic through the phone.

"Oh good lord, is Nikko okay? Does she have pads and clean underwear? Did you give her some pills?" My mom kept asking.

"Mamí! You need to calm down. I got it all under control. She's sleeping on my lap right now. She should be like that until you guys get home." I reassured.

"Okay then, I'll see you when we get home." She panted.

"Okay, see you soon!" I hung up and went back to watching TV. Soon enough, I was knocked out on the couch. I didn't even hear my parents walk in after an hour so. I can't be the only one that basically drown out sound when they're sleeping. Like, I can hear stuff a few minutes after I fall asleep and before I wake up. Nevertheless, they took us back to our rooms, and I do hope that Nikko is okay, those pills won't last the whole night.

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