[1] Severus Snape

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[This one will be short]
     Professor Lupin won't be teaching today due to unknown reasons, so Professor Snape will be taking his place in DADA.  The class is filled with chatter until the emotionless grump barged in. The class goes dead silent. He strolls towards the front, whips out his wand and immediately starts shutting the windows, darkening the room. Once upfront, he pulls down the screen. Snape spins around to face the class. "Turn to page 394", he says in his monotone voice. While everyone is flipping open their textbooks, Snape walks towards the back and turns on the projector. A certain blonde boy decides to send a crane folded note to Y/N. As they flip through the pages, they notice the note land in front of them. Y/N looks around and locks eyes with Malfoy, who has a malicious look on his face. Y/N grabs the note and opens it. What both Y/N and Malfoy didn't know is that Snape saw Malfoy pass the note. "Mx L/N, mind sharing what Mister Malfoy passed on to you?". Y/N turns their head to look at Snape and shakes their head 'no'. Snape scoffs and says,"Stay after class.". Y/N turns back around and glances up at Malfoy, who is now giggling at them. They glare at Malfoy and look back down at the book.

     After the class ends, everyone gets up and leaves, but not Y/N. They stay behind just like Snape ordered and slouch in their chair. Snape turns off the projector and start walking towards Y/N's desk. Snape stands in front of them with his arms crossed, making Y/N feel intimidated. "Now, what was in the note, L/N?", he demands. Y/N hesitates to answer and looks down. Snape pulls his arm out and places it under Y/N's chin, making them look up at him. "Tell. Me". They get nervous and finally give in. "The note said 'I ain't never seen two pretty best friends. It's always one of them gotta be ugly'.".
One of my online friends told me to make this into a one shot💀
I got this idea from tiktoker nerdyvent, where she made a pov tiktok similar to this. I might make actually serious or normal one shots, but I dont know yet. If anyone wants me to do another character one shot, serious or not, let me know :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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