Line in the Sand

Começar do início

"Death....what is he like?" Shoji asks, and I sigh, thinking about it

"Intelligent and Time-worn is the best way to describe him. He's met everyone and anyone you can name, and he knows the worst and best of humanity, and what it can offer. Not a bad conversation partner, to be honest." I reply

"Midoriya, sit down." Aizawa says, walking in, and not giving any protest, I go and do so, sitting down. 

"Alright. I know after the events of yesterday, you all are a bit shaken up. But, your fight is not quite over yet." Aizawa says, and I feel the tensions rise more than it probably should. 

"The Sports Festival is fast approaching. You have one week to prepare. By the way, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, you two have a representative meeting today after school. It's mandatory. Have fun in Modern Art." Aizawa says, then just walks right out. 

"Midoriya, are you feelin up to the meeting?" Yaoyorozu asks, and I shrug

"I'm good if you are, Pres." I reply, as Midnight walks in. 

"You guys ready for Modern Art?" She purrs, and I don't respond as everyone begins to get their notes out. As I reach toward my bag, Midnight seems to notice my half-shirtlessness. 

"Midoriya, are you gonna button up your shirt?" She asks, and as I set my notebook down on my desk before I respond. 

"Unless you're gonna make me, no." I reply, and she raises an eyebrow. 

"You got some youthfulness in you, huh?" She purrs, walking over to my desk, and leaning over it, her chest-half exposed through her not-fully buttoned shirt. 

"If you're trying to seduce me, it's not gonna work. I think the head attached to my neck, thank you very much." I reply, and she raises an eyebrow. 

"Hmph. Not too bad, kid. Alright, let's get started with the lesson, shall we?" Midnight asks, walking back up the board. 

One timeskip later.....

"Midoriya, our meeting." Yaoyorozu says as the final bell rings. Groaning, I stand up and throw my bag over my shoulder. 

"Alright, let's go and get this over with." I say, following her out the door. 

"If you don't want to come, you don't have too." Yaoyorozu says, and I shake my head. 

"I'm fine to go, it doesn't mean I like listening to logistics and shit. I'm more of a 'Speak loud and carry a big stick' kinda man." I reply, and she raises an eyebrow

"Isn't the saying 'Speak softly and carry a big stick'?" She asks, and I smirk 

"Trust me, I am aware. I just like my version better." I reply, as we wind our way up to the third floor, on the opposite side of the building. 

I open the door, and we walk in, and I'm instantly surprised at how many people there are. There's probably close to sixty people in here, all of them much more dressed than I am. Not that I care, but jeez. 

"Class 1-A, I take it?" One girl at the head of the table asks, looking at me with quite a bit of disdain, and I instantly don't like her. She's a thin, lanky girl, with bright green hair and red eyes, along with a small row of spikes running down her spine. 

"Yes. That's us." Yaoyorozu says, and the girl sighs, then gestures to a pair of open seats. 

"Please sit down. We have several things to discuss, and not a lot of time." She says, and we both sit, me draping my jacket over the back of my chair, and the girl clears her throat, then stands up, holding a packet of paper. 

Die Young (IzuKendo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora