No Longer Under his Control

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Five years ago

"I'm sorry sir, I couldn't get him" Y/n said knowing what was coming next 

"You're a stupid useless bitch, you can never do things right, I don't even know why I hired you" Mr. Allen said throwing an empty glass at Y/n. The glass broke on Y/n's head and left her with a horrible headache for days.

Present Day 

"Y/n you okay?" Red Hood asked putting his hand on her shoulder 

"Yeah I just...spaced out" Red X replied 

"Everything alright?" Red Hood asked Red X

"Yeah" She replied 

"You know you can talk to me baby" Red Hood said

"Huh? What did you call me?" Red X asked

"You know if you're gonna flirt you can turn off your mic" Robin said annoyed

"Shut up that's why I made your mom cu-" Red Hood got cut off

"Jason" Nightwing said 

"You did what now?" Red X asked 

"Nothing" Red Hood replied

"That's what I thought" Red X said with slight anger in her voice 

"Guys...there's a problem. I'm sending you coordinates now" Oracle said with worry in her voice. After twenty minutes everyone was at the location. Red X saw her old boss holding a woman by her neck. She took a closer look and realized it was her caretaker from her time in the orphanage. It was Miss Lily, Y/n's favorite caretaker. She had long dark hair that was always tied up into a bun. Even though she had a very serious face, she was the kindest soul you could ever meet. 

10 years ago

"Y/n fix your form, you can't get a good hit like that" Miss Lily explained. Y/n listened to her caretaker and fixed her form. At the time Y/n was a small girl who was scared of a lot of things but she managed to learn how to fight. 

"Miss Lily?" Y/n asked 

"Yes Y/n?" She replied 

"Why are helping me? It's late at night and everyone's sleeping but you're helping me get better at jiu-jitsu" Y/n explained 

"Y/n listen, from the day you came into the orphanage I knew you were gonna be different, I can tell you want something, I don't know what it is but when you leave this orphanage, you get it and don't let anyone take it away from you" Miss Lily explained 

Present Day 

"Y/n hand over the suit or it's your caretaker" Mr. Allen threatened 

"Y/n?" Miss Lily said. Mr. Allen pulled out a gun and pointed it at Lily's head

"Shut up or else I'll blow your head off" He said 

"Guys stand back, I got this" Red X said 

It is you Miss Lily thought You've grown so much. Then Miss Lily did something unexpected: she head butted Mr. Allen and he let go of her. Red X immediately kicked the gun away from Mr. Allen. 

"Y/ don't have to do this, think of all the money I used to pay you with" Mr. Allen said scared. Red X threw a restrain over his mouth. It felt so good to finally shut him up. Batman walked closer to Allen 

"You're under arrest for attempted murder, the police should be here soon" He explained hand cuffing Mr. Allen. 

"Now then, let's go" Nightwing said

"Wait, are you actually-" Miss Lily asked speechless. Red X put a finger over her lips saying: it was Y/n but she had to keep it a secret. Everyone went to the Bat Cave to relax. 

"Who was that woman?" Damian asked taking off his mask 

"She used to work at my orphanage, she taught me a lot of things" Y/n explained 

"Do you think she'll tell anyone?" Dick asked worried about Y/n's identity 

"She won't...I promise" Y/n reassured everyone. Y/n changed out of her suit and took Jason's arm

"Let's go home Jay" she said holding Jason's hand

"So what is Miss Lily like?" Jason asked 

"She was like another mother for me. Lily always stayed up late with me to help me get better at fighting" Y/n explained. 

Y/n felt satisfied now, the person who she feared was now behind bars.

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