Few years of calm-Chapter 2

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It's been maybe 4 years now nothing bad has happened yes I have annoyed Oni to the point to where he throw (more like dropped) me into the water but my only regret is that I told him I knew how to swim. If he didn't know I could swim he would not have put me in the water when I sang all of Hamilton word for word... twice...

"ONI!" I shouted while jumping into his shoulder when he came back inside from training. "Hello little one" (that's what he calls me.) "hi." He always says I'm way to energetic and happy. "You know it's always nice to sleep for a few hours" I'm mean he got a point it was 12:00 at night. "You know your right... you should get some rest you've been out all day." He sighed and shook his head. I jumped off his shoulder onto the table. "Ok ok I see what your saying. Yes I will go to sleep now." And with that a jumped off the table and went to bed.

-time skip-

I woke up in the morning but I wasn't at home and I was tied up. "Wha-what? Hello!?" That's when my mom came in "(Y/N)! I so glad your safe!!!" She practically screamed at me. She then gave me a bone crushing hug. "Why am I tide up?" "Oh right... your father thought it would be better so you won't go back to the dangerous world outside of are house." "Can I talk to dad?" I try to ask as sweetly as I can. She nodded slightly a left. I decided to look around the room. It was dark the only window was on the door with 3 bars. Then I saw my dad walking towards the door. He opened the door then closed it. "I told you not to leave this house. And now there's a giant who's not even human looking for the village!" He starts to raise his voice. "He's nice... he saved me." "And I saved you from him." I mumbled "that doesn't make you the good guy..." I said looking down. Then he slapped me. I just breathed out a short sharp breath and looked back at him. "Now that makes you the bad guy in my book." "Not only am I trying to protect you but the enti-" I cut him off "your only trying to protect yourself. Have you told any of the villagers or maybe the elder?" He grabbed my shoulders and pushed back and the made the front pegs go off the ground. "I'm protecting them from this reality so they don't freak out." "You just don't want them to blame you." I said with no fear in my voice. "You brought doom to all of the Minish." "He's not dangerous-" I cut myself off "let me reface that... he wouldn't hurt anyone." "And how do you know that?" He said very sharply. "He never hurt me." He looked at me like he was trying to read my mind. "Then what's that mark on your face?" He said triumphantly. I looked at him like he's stupid "are you dumb? That was from you." "Can you prove it?" "Yep. Ok so how would his hand be small enough to make a hand print like this." I said while trying to point at it until I realized it was tied. He looked at and he's expression changed from confidence to anger. He slapped me again.


"Why didn't (y/n) wake me up it's late?" I climb out of bed and call for her but no answer. "She's probably just outside." I went out side and no dice. "Where could she have gone?" "She's small so she couldn't have gotten far..." I say out loud. I start to look around in the woods. "I really feel like somebody's watching me." (I always feel like somebody's watching me! Tell me when the lights go out tell me when it's safe now!... I'm sorrry)

I turn around but there's nothing. "Who's there!?" There was a pain in my neck. I turned around then everything went black.

Yes! I did it I made another chapter!!! Woooooooooo!!! I really hope you like it and I'm so sorry that is short and how long it took. It's probably going to be like this with every chapter I'm sorry. Anyway thanks for reading🤗

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