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Originally found on

All characters belong to Stephenie Meyer!

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Inspired by the song Blow by Ke$ha

I glanced over my shoulder to Bella and to some of the guys farther behind me as we went down a long and wet dark alley way in the middle of Seattle. It was around ten o'clock at night and the sky was dark as midnight. There was no moon lighting the skies like usual nor was there a star in the sky. Even know it was so late, the night was only just starting for us. Tonight was going to be epic! I could just feel it and sense it in the air. It was going to be something like that I hadn't ever experienced before. I know it sounds stupid that our night hadn't even started and I'm saying it was going to be epic, but it's just how I felt and saw things happening. I don't even know why I felt that night is going to be good... I just did. We stayed quiet while going down the alley. The last thing I needed was us getting caught. 

"Jake, are you sure about this?" Bella asked, coming over to my side and leaning down and watching as I connected the wires to the lights quickly, half way down the alley. 

"Of course I am." I smiled and looked to her for the first time since we had left the house. Her face was covered in red glitter and make up. I hadn't seen so much makeup on her before. "Gees Bella, enough bling for a night?"  

She giggled and looked away from me, standing behind me. "Come on Jacob! It's New Year 's Eve. You're not going all protective brother on me are you?" 

A spark came from the final wire connecting. I hoped it would all work right, and that the fire brigade wouldn't have to come because of my non-skills as an unqualified electrician, and only a werewolf that instantly healed. I smiled at the sight that the connections seemed right and then smirked at Bella, half turning my face to her. "No. Of course not, you know me better than that."  

I and Embry lead the rest of the way. I smirked to him when we found that once again the door was cracked open. We didn't need a key. I high fived him and let him walk inside before me. I laughed and looked to the others and waved towards them to follow me inside quietly. We had to be quiet. We were getting in for free, for the second time this month. We couldn't get caught until there was no way to easily stop us. Yeah I know I'm bad, but what do you expect from the big bad wolf?! 

I flipped the light switch on. The light flickered twice and came on thankfully. Perfect, I thought, walking quickly down the stairs and into the huge room that had to be around the size of a small football stadium, with a roof came down like a tunnel. It was the perfect place for a wild New Year's Eve party... for the second time this month. But the last time we were here, it was for Christmas and because we weren't the hosts last time, we were the guests.  

It was a place that was known all over Seattle as the wildest club for parties and celebrations. And for a while, I didn't really understand how it got its reputation, until I seen the striper's pole. I couldn't remember seeing them the last time I had been, but they had to have been there last time, because they looked like they had been there for a quiet a while. The place was basically abandoned with customers. The guy who ran the place was a total ass to everyone who came to the club and it wasn't cheap to get in either. I knew if we got caught, I would be in huge trouble. But that was a good enough reason to start the party up quickly, so that no one would know who was the one that started it all in the first place. 

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