Chapter 31: I build a government.

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"You sure you got all of that?" Calder asked, surprised. I promptly recited the past kings and queens of Jotunheim, in the order of their ascents to power, and a few key points of each kingship. 

"Yeah, pretty sure." I replied, leaning back into the chair slightly.

"I've only taught you that twice... how did you memorize it so quickly?"

"Um... I've got a good memory?" I offered.

"More like 'oh, no biggie, I'm just a genius'." He retorted. "I mean, wow! That's amazing. I've never seen anyone do anything like that before."

"I mean, in general, everything we do on Earth centers around either skill or memory." I explained. "We don't have as lengthy of a lifespan as you do- not by a long shot. So, as a result, we're in a constant race as to who can get something done as quickly as possible. But yeah, I guess you could call me a genius. It wouldn't be the first time someone's called me that."

"Nor the last, I can guess." Calder replied with a smile.

"Oh shush. You know I don't take compliments well."

"Though you deserve plenty more than you get."

I sighed in exasperation. He laughed. "Let's move on to geology, okay? I'm through with history for now. I like science better."

"See? Genius." He muttered under his breath as he opened another book. I smacked him on the arm, feeling a little proud when he flinched. "Ouch! Wow, you hit with a lot of force for a girl."

That, of course, earned him another smack. "I told you the spider gave me super-strength. Did you doubt me?" I leveled a playful glare at him.

"No!" He replied hurriedly. "I mean... no. Just don't hit me again. It hurts."

"Sorry." I apologized. "But you kind of asked for it. Especially with that last remark."

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I did." He admitted. "So, geology..."


"I can't believe we got through that much." Calder sighed, rocking back in his chair. "I think I'm more tired than you are."

"I mean, my brain has usually been wired to take in as much new information as possible whenever it can, so that might explain it."

"I thought the crash course might last a week at least, but you've already burned through a third of the material just today." He explained. "My brain is fried, I can't even begin to imagine how you do it."

"It is impressive, isn't it?" A new voice asked, and I squeaked embarrassingly loudly as I spun around to see who else was in the room.

"I didn't mean to startle you." A tall (what else?) Jotun said, holding up both hands as Calder turned around to face him as well. "Bjorn sent me to check up on how you're doing. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Sorry."

"No problem, Eirik." Calder replied calmly. "Thea, this is Bjorn's third-in-command, Eirik. He's usually in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly in between the upper ranks and the common-people." He was giving me a wary glance out of the corner of his eye, as if I might explode if he made eye contact.

"So, Bjorn's got a whole caste system going on, does he?" I asked.

"Oh goodness no." Eirik laughed. "That didn't work out well, even before the war. No, he's trying to steer us away from that. It's been tough for him, though. He and the rest of us want a republic of some sort, but we also need a king or leader of someform or another." Calder nodded.

"It's true. We've been trying to figure it out for the last century or so."

"That's actually why I'm here." Eirik confessed. "Bjorn wants me to work with you to try and figure out how we should structure our government. We've heard that there are many different forms of those on Earth and we were wondering whether any of them would work here."

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