Chapter 2: When You Casually Rob a Bank (#relatable)

Start from the beginning

“You’re insane.” The man manages through his very clearly broken jaw. Can bends down,

“No, I mentioned this.” Can sighs, “I’m Can!” She says with a giggle, and goes back to the counter, “Please excuse my new friend here. What was it? Fred? Gary? James? Gary sounds right. Please excuse Gary. Gosh, he’s really ruined this whole thing. I can’t seem to remember what I was saying.” Can thinks for a moment.

“Robbing the bank?” Veela suggests.

“OH! That’s it! Thank you, darling. We’re robbing this bank, and I’m losing my patience here, so let’s do this the old fashioned way.” Can pulls out her gun and shoots the ceiling once. “Everyone on the ground.”
The people are quick to do this, seeing what Can has done to the man who stood in her way. Can and Veela collected the money from behind the counter before Theo came in with the PD. 
“Y’all ready?” Theo asks, looking around.

    “Not yet! We have to take a picture!” Can exclaims and pulls a camera out of her bag, walking towards Gary, which was most certainly not his name. Can gestures for her family to come over, and they do.

    “This is the Murleighworth police, if you don’t come out of the building with your hands behind your heads, we’ll blow in the entrance.” A loud voice came through Aoxy’s concrete barricade.

    “Just a minute!” Theo yells out, and the four all pose in front of a very annoyed, in pain looking ‘Gary’. 

    “Awww! Baby’s first crime!” Can says, showing Theo the picture on the camera. She lightly pats Veela’s head before turning back to Theo, “Good memories. Alright then, off we go!” 

    Theo opens the PD and they all go in, stepping out of the bank, and into the back of the ice cream shop, unnoticed. Theo quickly grabs two cartons of ice cream, one of neapolitan and one of cookie dough. 

They all go back into the PD, Can leaving a freshly stolen five dollar bill on the counter. This time they step into the familiar warehouse, where Kape, CH, and Ar were awaiting their arrival. 

CH quickly stands up, “How did it go?”

“Pretty well if I do say so myself.” Aoxy says.

“I got to unleash my bees!” Veela exclaims, happily. 

“Did you get to sting anyone?” Ar asks excitedly.

“Unfortunately, no, but then again, I don’t want to kill off any bees for no reason.” Veela says, sticking her hand in her pocket, and pulling out a handful of bees. 

“Oh my g- please put those back,” Kape says, taking a wary step away from the hand of bees. Veela’s lips pull into a grin that even Can was terrified of. 

“But Kape, they want to play!” Veela takes a slow step closer to Kape, who shoots a worried glance at Can before focusing back on the bee wielding person in front of them.
“Veela Veela, heyyyy paaal! We can talk about this! We can uh, we can talk about thi-” Kape takes off running, going as fast as she can up the stairs.

“GET BACK HERE KAPEE” Veela yells and runs to follow.

The rest are silent for a moment before Ar speaks up. “Is that ice cream I see?”

Can smiles, “Yes, it indeed is. Want some?

“Yes, please!” Ar says, while Theo reaches into his pd and pulls out five bowls and five spoons, along with an ice cream scooper.

Can, Theo, Aoxy, Ar, and CH all bring the bowls and ice cream to a nearby steel table. Can dishes out the ice cream for everyone, and Veela and Kape join eventually, Veela looking very pleased with themself, and Kape looking like they were about to bludgeon their sister to death with a broom. 

Can and Theo chuckle at their children’s antics, receiving a glare from Kape. 

“Okay okay, I want to hear about the heist!” CH demands, looking expectantly towards Theo, Can, and Aoxy. 

Can looks around at the three people she brought to the bank, and Veela excitedly begins her tale, starting from when Can led them out the door of the warehouse. Aoxy or Theo sometimes weave their input into Veela’s story. 

Can watches her family with pride as they talk and laugh. 

She soaks in the excited look in Veela’s eyes, the way Archie swims at the very front of their fishbowl, attentively listening, and the wide eyed CH, as he imagines his first crime. 

She smiles at how Kape nods along to the story and Aoxy’s smile. 

She leans closer to Theo, who wears his own prideful look as he happily tells his part of the story. 

Can closes her eyes and breathes in the smell of the ice cream, hoping this moment would last forever.


    “So what you’re telling me,” The police captain says slowly, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Is that three ‘magical’ people robbed the bank? In broad daylight?” 

    The police officer looks down at the captain’s shoes, nervously, “It was four, Captain. Four magical people robbed the bank in broad daylight.” The officer says, his voice quiet.

    The captain stares the police officer down and scoffs, “And we have no idea where they came from, or who they are? Do we have nothing besides the fact that one of them is called Can?” The police officer nods anxiously in confirmation. “The bank has cameras, right? Don’t we have some sort of footage?”

    The police officer looks up “Well, yes, but-”


    “I’ll show you.” The officer says and types a few things into a nearby computer. The captain leans closer to the computer screen, looking at the confusing footage. 

    “Are those,” She squints, “Bees?”

    The officer nods, “Yes, sir.” 

The captain inspects the fuzzy yellow and black bugs, crawling over the camera, and blocking it from seeing anything except for through small cracks as they move. The captain tried to see anything through the small cracks, but to no avail.

She sighs, turning back to the officer, “Find me everything you can on this Can person. We need to know if it’s an actual name or an alias, and we need to find a motive. Have a witness talk to one of the artists, and we can try to go off of faces.”

“Yes, sir.” The officer says and walks out of the room.

The captain looks back at the bee covered screen, more than determined to catch these people. They had the audacity to rob the bank in her city, and she will not let it slide. She’s always caught the culprit, and this would be no different. 

But Can and her family are far from no different.They are extremely different, in fact.

    And then again, so is Captain Pink Fox.


So now we got a chapter two

Thoughts? Feelings?

New character, Captain Pink Fox, is the very lovely PinkFox567

And Gary is just Gary. He is probably not okay. He did kinda just get punched by a mildly insane cyborg girl

Like you do

Words: 1787 (not including the last bit after the ~s of course)

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