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Tony was trying to find a way out, climbing on whatever ledge to try to find some small hole or loose piece of rubble to get out. "Dammit." He growled, "GodDammit!" He shouted and grabbed the pipe he'd used to get the beam off of his leg and crashed it against the collapsed wall in a fit of anger.

"Tony." Steve said weakly but tony didn't stop. Some dust and rocks fell from above them, "tony stop!" But it was like he couldn't hear him or just wouldn't listen.

"We need to get out of here! We've been down here for hours!" He shouted again and started stabbing at a crack in some concrete.

"Tony it's too unstable you need to stop." He eventually stopped and leaned against that wall. "The team will find us, they're gonna get us out-t" he started coughing again and tony hobbled over back to his side.

"Okay, maybe if you sit up it'll help." Tony sat down beside him again and tried to help him up but steve waived him off.

"No, no I don't want to move too much." He winced, "I think I just got a few broken ribs."

"Weird how that's bothering you more than the fact both of your legs are being crushed" tony looked past steves glare and immediately regretted that last remark. "I'm just gonna take a look." He started palpating steves side, "sorry hun" he said when he pressed down on a particularly bad spot. He kept feeling around more gently and frowned when he felt something metal.

"What is it?" Steve breathed out.

Tony tried to look but it was too cramped of a space and he didn't want to move him too much. "Do you feel that?" He asked and pressed down where the metal pressed on his back.

He let out a squeal and jerked away from tonys touch. "Yeah" he grunted "I can definitely feel that"

"Motherfucker-" tony growled.


"No!" He shouted "I don't care about my fucking language right now because you're hurt and I can't do shit to get you out of here." He breathing started speeding up and sweat broke out in his forehead.

"Tony you need to breathe" steve said calmly and reached for tonys hand.

"I'm the one who should be telling you to breathe! You're the one with rebar sticking into your chest!" He shouted and swatted his hand away. He stood back up and limped over to his destroyed suit and pulled his helmet back on. "J! Come on you need to help us out here!"

All that came back was static, "Tony, come here." Steve demanded weakly.

"We're stuck under 8 floors of a collapsed parking garage steve! I can't just sit around and wait for you to die!" Tears started running down his face and steve reached his hand out further.

"Tony." He said as sternly as he could, considering the predicament he was currently in. Tony had his head in his hands and stared down at the ground. "Tony look at me." A wave of drowsiness hit him hard but fought it. Tony lifted his head out of his hands. "There's nothing to do. You're suit is destroyed and it's too unstable to dig your way out."

Steve knew how much tony hated to feel so helpless. "I know you feel like you need to fix everything but this isn't something you can do alone." He coughed a few times and tried to blink away the heaviness he felt in his eyes. "The team... they're gonna come."

Tony tried to stand but his leg was really weak, so he crawled over to where steve was and grabbed his hand, "if you're trying to say I'm a control freak... take it back" he smiled and steve chuckled softly. Tony noticed his eyes fluttering closed so his tapped his cheek and blew on his face. "You can't sleep."

Steve sighed and rolled his head to the side, "there he goes, telling me what to do again" he smiled and squeezed tonys hand. "You know I... I love you right?" He hummed and his grip on tonys hand slackened a bit.

"Yeah I know, and I love you too." He leaned over steves and gave him a kiss, "but you can't sleep." Steve smiled sweetly at the kiss but his eyes were still closed. " 'm tired."

"I don't care if you're tired stay awake." Steve hummed in response without opening his eyes. "Steve." Tony said sternly and patted his cheek so hard he basically slapped him, but got no response. "Steve!" Still nothing. He grabbed his wrist and hovered a hand over his mouth to make sure he still had a pulse and was breathing and sighed in relief when he had both.

He looked up to see if anything above him was shifting or if he could hear anyone doing anything the get them out of here, but there was no such signs. Had they even noticed that they were gone?

Steve was right, there's no way to dig himself out of here without the possibility of bringing the whole structure down on them, but he was at least going to try to dig steve out.

He moved over to where steves legs were pinned and studied the rubble crushing him. He could tell that a few pieces weren't weight bearing and began to pull them off of him. He grunted as the first piece started to budge and pulled it off completely.

He winced after he put too much weight on his bad leg but just repositioned himself to get ready to pull the next piece off. He pulled at it with all the strength that he had and immediately regretted dislodging that piece when everything started shaking and rubble began to fall.

He shouted as he jumped out of the way of a particularly large chunk of debris but smacked his head on the corner of a concrete block—and before everything went black a small amount of natural light shined through a new crack within the debris.


"Tony! Steve! Come in!" Natasha shouted over the comms.

"They're not gonna hear you. Even if their comms aren't damaged, signals never gonna get through all of this." Clint answered and rubbed his forehead in frustration. Hulk hadn't stopped smashing cars since after he told him not to smash his way though the debris.

If they're still alive, smashing their way through to them will only lead them to pancakes.

"Hulk!!" Clint roared in frustration. "STOP SMASHING!! For gods sake stop smashing and bring Banner back we need banner right now!"

Hulk growled and stomped over to a fallen pillar and sat down on it.  "I'll go talk to the big guy." Natasha sighed and looked back at the fire and rescue crew working. "I'll be back in a sec" she told Clint before jogging over to hulk.

Clint sighed, "I used to love Chicago" and then jogged over to Thor and all of the firefighters digging through the rubble.

"Hey whoa you can't go over there," an older firefighter jumped out in front of him. He looked at clints uniform and let out a chuckled, "cute costume but it ain't holloween yet."

"Herrmann!" Another firefighter stood right beside him after punching him in the gut. "What the hell Otis!"

Otis stood awkwardly next to Herrmann with his water bottle in hand, "s-sorry about my friend here sir. Hawkeye sir." He stuttered awkwardly and glared at Herrmann until he realized what he was talking about

"Oh-oH! You're one of of the bozos who destroyed my beautiful city. Didn't know you guys actually stuck around for cleanup." He said sarcastically.

"Well I've got a civilian, one of the douchebags that blew up your beautiful city and two of my men trapped down there."

Herrmanns jaw dropped and stepped aside and Clint jogged past quickly. "You just had to run your mouth." Otis yelled and smacked his shoulder.

Herrmann rolled his eyes and turned around, "breaks over!" He shouted and everyone got back to work.

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