I try to play it coy and ask, "Just didn't know if you or Fischer were bringing hot dates. Wanted to make sure I was allowed to say hi if I see you." I smirk at him to remind him that I remember Lara, who felt threatened by our friendship and didn't allow Jack to hang with me outside of work. They lasted a whole two weeks before Jack posted a video of me cliff jumping with him, ignoring her demands. He catches what I was aiming at and replies, "It will just be me and Fischer tomorrow. I am not into friendship stiflers anymore." 

"Who are you into these days then if not friendship stiflers?" I joke back, although I was only partially kidding. I do want to know who he is into.

He smirks and then says. "Girls I can take home to my mama." His unexpected answer makes me laugh. 

"I saw you were with Ariana Townsend the other day, your mom must have low expectations for you."

"Not all mothers require degrees from NYU to approve of the relationship," Jack jokes back and he's one of the few people that know of my mother's impossible standards for both me and the men I date. 

"True, but I also know your mother's feelings on single-use plastic, so I don't see her approving of Ariana," I zing back and this gets him to laugh out loud. 

"Damn, Ariana likes you too, she'd be offended to know that you thought she was too plastic to bring home to my mama." 

"Just looking out for Mrs. Dalton. She deserves a daughter-in-law who is completely biodegradable." 

"I love that you know how important the environment is to me and my mother," he says with a smirk and a hand over his heart. We both look around the fairly empty bar and we have content customers at the moment. It's nice to be able to joke around with Jack while work is slow. I decide I am a glutton for punishment and ask, "So really, who are you into these days? What did I miss while I was gone? Who have you cheated on?" The tug of his lips are still creating a dimple on the side of his face, smirking while deciding what to tell me. 

"I've actually been good for the most part. I think I might be ready to put my flings behind me. Start focusing on a relationship." He states and then looks at me, with some thought making his eyes sparkle. My stomach clenches as I think of Jack getting a girlfriend. I realize I will not be able to handle it if he gets serious with someone. I can't ask for more information, I am not going to punish myself with details about who he wants to date. I already know my mind will spiral. Damn it, as much as he drives me crazy that crush is still deeply embedded in me. 

"But you're going solo to the art show tomorrow?" I mutter as I drop two empty tumblers into the dish pit, "I'm sure you'll find something interesting to look at." Jack laughs as he stops scanning the pub tables to look at me.

"We really are just going to support Jameson. We aren't on the prowl."

"Sure," I tell him since I know Fischer will hit on Stella like he always does and women will stop to look at Jack more than any art on the walls. He takes a step towards me and he's almost blushing when he says, "There actually is someone I am planning on running into tomorrow night. I might be on the prowl for her." My stomach suddenly plummets to my feet. Of course he's going to meet up with a girl, probably the girl he wants to take home to Mrs. Dalton. I quickly go back to wiping down the taps and look anywhere but in his direction so he won't see my disappointment. I feel him walk right up next to me and is looking at the side of my face when in a deep voice, he says, "I'll look for you tomorrow night." A group of college students pours into the back area and his focus goes to them. My hand glides up and down on the Coors Light handle as I wonder if he just implied he'll be looking for me specifically? If he'll be on the prowl for me? I feel my face burn up and my body quickly matches it. He said it flirtatiously, but Jack uses that tone sarcastically too. I see that Jack has the beer drinkers handled, so I slide my phone out and inconspicuously text Stella.

I think maybe Jack just implied that he'll be looking for me tomorrow night.

Her response is instantaneous. 

Stella: I'm gonna need more than that babe.

He said he was going to be on the prowl 

tomorrow night and then 

added that he'll be looking for me. 

What does that mean???

Stella: The prowl?! Oh god.

Stella: What did you say back?

Nothing. Customer came in. Now what?! How do I take that?!

Stella: Take it to mean he's going to come 

looking for you tomorrow night.

I'm getting ready at your place tomorrow.

Stella: Duh. I already made us DryBar 

appointments and Kinsley is doing our faces. 

You can raid my closet too. God I've been waiting for this moment.

I'm going to feel like a horse's ass

 if I read his tone wrong.

Stella: You might feel like one, but you won't look like one. 

Don't forget the cookies!

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