"Class, phones away. I know this is hard, but dwelling on it won't help. The police are doing all they can. Constantly checking for news isn't going to help. Now, for today-"

"Mrs. Wheeler?" Amanda interrupted. "I have to . . . I can't . . ." she hesitated, searching her brain for an excuse, some reason to make it okay for her to leave the classroom. "I need to talk to one of the counselors." Without waiting for permission, she ran from the room.

She ran past the cafeteria, where the crisis counselors sat, mostly alone. She ran past the library. The door to the teacher's lounge was ajar, and the TV was on. She pushed it open and stood in the door. A couple of teachers were inside. They protested that students weren't allowed in the lounge, but she ignored them, staring at the screen.

It was the local news. The words floated in the air, and her head spun. She could barely make out what the announcer was saying, but she didn't need to. Her mind was filling in the blanks already.

"Carl Perkins, longtime DNR ranger and local resident," the headline read. ". . . was savagely mauled," the announcer was saying. She started to crumple.

Erica caught her. She had her bag slung over one shoulder, and Amanda's books under one arm. "Amanda," she said, concern in her voice, "what's wrong? You just ran out of class."

"Carl," she pointed at the screen. She began to cry, "Carl was my uncle's best friend."

"Oh dear," one of the teachers said.

"It's okay," Erica said quickly to the teacher. "I've got her. I am going to take her to the nurse."

Erica put one arm around her shoulder and led her away from the teacher's lounge. "It's going to be okay, Amanda. It's going to be okay. I am here. Everyone is here for you," she kept saying.

Halfway down the hall, Amanda pushed Erica away suddenly as another thought hit her. "Erica! Carl was hunting the wolf! He was Uncle Darren's contact in the DNR and he was helping on the hunt. That's why he was killed."

Erica looked at her for one second and then pulled a small whistle out of her pocket. She blew. Nothing happened.

"Dog whistle," she said with a wry smile. "Just in case." She slid it back into her pocket.

Down the hall, Tanner came out of his classroom, doubled over. "Oh," he moaned, "I think I am going to be sick." The second he closed the door, he straightened, rolled his eyes, and ran to them. "You rang?"

The others arrived almost as quickly, making whatever excuse they needed to get out class. Erica pulled them into a less-used hallway and then explained about Carl's death.

Connor's eyes went dark, and his nostrils flared. "Damn!" he swore. "We've really stirred up the hornet's nest now." To Amanda he said, "It could get worse before it gets better. Dad left this morning with Mitch and Vince."

"Left?" Amanda said.

"To hunt," Connor said starkly. "They went to hunt and kill Stanley."

"Between that and your uncle getting closer, we've forced their hand," Jonathan said. "Whatever they are going to do, they have to do now."

"What do we do?" Erica asked.

"We protect our territory and our people," Connor replied. "We have the best advantage right here on our turf. So we stay put for the moment. We take Amanda home, and then we spread out, keep the area around her house safe. They have to come for her, and we will be ready and waiting. Okay?"

"No," Amanda said quickly, "I mean okay, but Hunter is still in school . . . and Jay and Courtney live so close, they could easily get caught in this too."

Connor nodded. "You're right. I will take Amanda home. Tanner, you head to the middle school and get Hunter home safely. Erica do you mind waiting for Jay and Courtney?" Erica shook her head no, she didn't mind. "Brianna, you head home and let Karen and Valerie know what's up. They are maintaining the home right now. Jonathan, I want you out scouting."

Connor continued to rant the entire way to Amanda's. "It's got to be connected. It's got to be. I just wish I knew how. Was Stanley supposed to abduct that girl as part of the pack's plan, or was that his own sick, twisted shit? Did Stanley's abduction force the others to move? I mean with as many searchers and law enforcement out, even werewolves won't be able to hide for long."

"I don't know," Amanda said, frustrated.

"I know, I am just thinking aloud," Connor said. "Damn, I wish Dad had let me take you to the elders sooner. I am sure they would have answers. Plus you would be out of the way right now, safe."

"Yeah but my family wouldn't be safe," she pointed out. "If they kill Uncle Darren or," she choked at the thought, "Hunter because they can't find me, I couldn't live with that. I won't leave unless I know they are safe too. Never."

He gave her a look but nodded. "I don't want you to risk your family either. But they've never gone after Uncle Darren. He's been out in the woods alone many times. They seem to shy away from him. And Hunter? We aren't even sure they aware of him yet. The point is, you are the target. They've gone out of their way to get at you, and only you. I still think you'd be safer deep inside Leidulf territory and we'd have some solid information to go on if we could talk to the elders. We'd know what we are up against. Dad and his pack will be here, defending this territory. So even if I have the whole situation wrong, your family will be protected."

When they arrived on her front porch, Connor said, "Look, I wish I could stay but I can best protect you by being out here." He waved his arms around. "I want you to stay inside and keep your head down. We will contact you when we are ready to move. Understand? Can you do that?"

She nodded. He turned to leave. "Connor," she said suddenly. "No wolf form, unless you have to." He turned and gave her a quizzical look. She added, "Uncle Darren's been hunting a wolf. I don't want him to shoot you."

He gave her a thumbs up and headed down the driveway.

"And Connor?" He stopped and turned again. "Be careful," she said. "I don't want you hurt either."

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