Chapter 30: Nobody asks if I want to be Queen, either.

Start from the beginning

And on that bombshell, she led me out into the palace to meet the Jotun populace.


"You look beautiful." Bjorn said to me after giving my attire a once-over. "The people will love you."

"Are you sure? I mean, I am a foreigner. I don't know if a human will be welcomed as a member of whatever this is." In truth, I was only voicing a small portion of the concerns I felt. I was beyond nervous about meeting everyone out there.

"Of course you will be. They know the prophecy, and of course they will welcome you as their queen."

Okay, second time today I've been called their queen. Where is all this titular stuff coming from? I'm nowhere near royalty, and I never will be. So why do they think I'm fine with stepping up to the plate and shouldering all this responsibility?

"With great power comes great responsibility." I whispered to myself. "Come on. You can do this. They need you. If the prophecy is true, then you're their only hope."

"Do you talk to yourself often?" Bjorn asked, amusement in his eyes.

"Only when I'm freaking out." I replied nervously. "I tend to act a little erratic when I'm not sure that's going on."

"Nothing important is happening, yet." He assured me. "We're presenting your formally to the people as a traditional introduction. Nobody is going to force you into anything."

I smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks. I guess everything is finally catching up to me, being on an alien planet and the prophecy and all that."

"Naturally. Are you okay with meeting the public today? Or is it too soon? If it's really that much of a problem, we can settle for an official announcement."

"No, no, it's fine. I'm okay."

"Well, if you're sure, everyone's gathered in the courtyard outside. I'll do all the talking." There's no way... I thought disbelievingly, but it was true. I was lead out onto the balcony which was suspended a couple dozen feet above a large square which was jam-packed with people. Okay, so they are making me do that cliche princess scene in real life after all. Ah, smile and wave, I guess.

Bjorn stood beside me and the people all bowed their heads slightly in respect. I could only hope it was for him, and not me.

"You know why I have gathered you." Bjorn spoke simply, voice ringing loudly through the silent city. "The prophecy has been set in motion. Our savior has come. The restoration of our former glory awaits us!" He waited for the cheers to die down. "I wish to present to you the chosen bearer of the infinity crystal, Thea. She will lead us to success and prosperity! Odin thought we were down for the count. We will show him that we're alive and well!"

Bjorn's long-fingered hand grasped my smaller one and raised it above my head. He wasn't able to get my arm above his head without pulling me several feet into the air but we pulled it off anyways, I guess, because the resounding cheer from the Jotun was nearly deafening.

"Together, we will achieve new heights! Together, we will reclaim our land and restore this city to it's proper glory! Together," he paused for effect "we will be able to achieve success for all. No more death, no more poverty, no more famine. We have persevered for so long and now we will rise up once more and take back that which is ours. Our time has come once more!"

I did nothing but stare out at the crowd as they responded with cheers of their own, but deep down inside I wondered what the hell I had gotten myself into and whether or not this was what the guardians of the borders wanted me to do. 

After a few moments, we were allowed to get off the balcony and back inside. A small group of Jotun were waiting for us there as well, and I assumed that they were probably high-ranking members of Bjorn's assembly.

I actually had no clue what the governing system was here. Democracy? Monarchy? Dictatorship? Hopefully not anarchy... I hoped it was something along the lines of democracy, because anything else was extremely foreign territory.

"You did well." He told me kindly, a smile on his face.

"I did nothing but stand there." I replied. "I hardly did anything."

"You've provided a face for the people to envision whenever things get rough for them. They now have someone to look up to. You're the face of our salvation now. I hope that counts as something."

"Of course it does." I replied hurriedly. "You know that." I sighed, resisting the urge to run a hand through my jewel-adorned hair. "I just wish I knew more about what I'm supposedly saving. I know nothing about Jotun culture or anything." I confessed.

"I can help with that, if you'd like." A familiar voice said and I turned with a smile to face Calder who had snuck in through a side door and was standing among the rest of the much-taller giants rather sheepishly.

"Would you?" Bjorn asked. Calder nodded. "You have my thanks."

"No problem." Calder replied casually. "If Thea needs my help, you know I'll be happy to give it to her." He leveled a even gaze at Bjorn, and although I don't know if it was a trick of the light or not, I could have sworn he was challenging him over something.

I shook my head a little to clear it, taking Calder's proffered hand. "Library?" I asked him.

"Already been there. I've grabbed a bunch of books and put them in your study."

"My what?"

"You know, your study. The room through the door beside the closet in your room?"

"What? There's more than just a bedroom in my place?"

"Obviously. It's one of the royal suites."

I stared at him with wide eyes. "Whoa."

"You seriously didn't notice that?"

"I was exhausted last night. Don't blame me."

"Fine. Anyways, I figured you'd prefer to learn about the history of our nation in relative comfort and privacy, not surrounded by a maze of dusty old shelves holding a dozen books on each and every subject conceivable."

"Yeah, that would be a bit intimidating." I followed his lead out of the room, realizing that I would have to memorize the way back to my room eventually or else I would get lost the first time I tried to find my way back to my room from the mess hall by myself.

 "Okay, here's the study." Calder said, pushing open one of the doors I'd neglected to notice earlier. Three tall stacks of books were situated on the silver desk and I knew then that I was in for a long haul.

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