- Chapter 9 -

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(A/N: There will be a lot of time skips in this and the next couple of chapters.)

~ December 1st, 1994

Every Ravenclaw were called to the charm classroom where Prof. Flitwick was standing on a pile of books. "Everyone please sit down. This year with the Tri wizard tournament comes a dance, The Yule Ball. This event is for everyone in the fourth year and up. Fear not youngsters in the lower years, you may have access if invited by someone in the upper years. This dance will take place on December 24th, in other words on Christmas eve. You have all morning to practice, normal classes will resume in the afternoon."

Ginny is a third year meaning she doesn't have access to the dance. I could invite her and that could be the way I make my move on her.

"Um, Hailey? Do you want to dance with me?" Terry Boot, a Ravenclaw in my year, asked me.

I guess a little practice won't hurt. "Sure."

I stood up and took his hand that was in front of me. We danced all morning. I led most of the time and told him more times that I can remember to not step on my feet.

"Thank you for teaching me how to dance." Terry shyly said just before we leave for lunch. "W-would you like to come to the dance with me, Hailey?" He managed to get out.

I smiled my charming smile, but shook my head. "Sorry, Terry. I already have someone else in mind to go with. I'm really sorry."

He chuckled. "Should have known. A beautiful girl like you could have any guy she wants. I'll go with someone else, but save me a dance, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

The rest of the day was normal classes, then dinner with Luna and Ginny.

~ December 2nd, 1994

It was a regular boring day today, like any other school day. That was until I had double Potions with Slytherin.

"Hey, Hailey. Is it cool if we switch partners today?" Blaise Zabini, my brother's best friend, asked standing in front of me. He and Draco were the best... Why would he want to be paired up with him?

"Hey, Zabini. Yeah, sure. I don't see why not. I'll go and sit next to Nott, you can take my place." I said getting up, bag in hand.

"Wait, Hailey!" He stopped me from moving by putting his hand on my shoulder with a serious case of the blush. "I don't think you understood what I meant." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Really?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Switching partners means I go with your partner, which is Nott and you go with mine, which is Draco." I smiled sweetly at him, silently telling him that he was dumb.

"Eh... Crap." He whispered to himself. "Then. Can our partners switch partners?" He confusingly asked.

I giggled. "Blaise? Are you just asking me in a slightly awkward and confusing way if we can be partners today?"

"Um... Yeah." He answered in defeat.

I sat back down on my stool and patted the seat next to mine. "Okay, sure. You can sit here."

Later, when everyone was doing their potions. Blaise looked at me and poked at my arm to get my attention. I looked at him. "Hailey." He whispered. "I know it's probably not the best time, but would you like to go to the Yule ball with me?"

I chuckled and whispered back. "Sorry, Blaise, but I already have someone in mind."

I heard Draco stifle a laugh. I shot him a glare to shut him up, however it only made him laugh more.

"It's okay, Hailey... Just save me a dance, yeah?" I nodded my head as the bell rang.

The rest of the day was quite boring.

~ December 3rd, 1994

Finally Saturday, tonight is the night. I'm going to ask her and she'll say yes. We'll go to the ball together and eventually start dating. I can't wait!!

I've already planned and organized everything for tonight. It's just a simple picnic in the astronomy tower. She should be here any minute now. " How does my hair look?" I asked myself, looking down at them.

"Gingerly beautiful as always." Ginny giggled behind me, making blush.

"I - Um - Hey Ginny." I struggled to get out. "How are you?"


"Pretty sure that's not a feeling, but I'll roll with it." I joked. " Come and sit." I said pointing at the lightly decorated dining area behind me.

"What are we eating, chef Hailey?" Ginny asked in a very fake french accent.

"No clue." I laughed. "I asked Pinky for the basket and she made this for us."

She opened the basket to discover paninis and an apple pie. "It's almost like a real date." She whispered to herself. I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

"What?" I teased, almost hoping she would blush and try to deny what she just said.

She bit her bottom lip and spoke the exact same sentence as before, except clearer and with a little glint in her eyes. I became scarlet red real quick and bolted. Yep, that's right! The girl I love just said that it feels like a date and instead of saying something cool like "Yeah, totally." or "Only if you want it to be." I fucking ran away.

"Way to go Hailey! You're the best, truly! Urg... Now I can't go back in there and be all cool about it. She saw me blush and I fled the scene." I walked back to my common room, feeling like a dumb ass. "I'll go to bed and think of another plan for next week."

* Ginny's P.o.V *

"Crap! I made her run away from me. Now she'll think I'm weird for liking girls, for liking her. Oh, I know, next week I'll apologize and we'll be friends again. Ouch... Friends." I took the food with me and made my way back to the common room where I left the basket on the table. 

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