A Chicken and a Wing

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Created by Aldyne and Leyla in the middle of a maths lesson.

Once upon a time, there was a chicken that was about to be killed and eaten hanging in a store window. After 2 days of him just hanging there, he thought of an escape plan. The chicken would wait until sundown then go sprinting away as fast as he can.


"Now's my chance", the chicken thought to himself. He bit through the rope that was holding him up and ran as fast as he can. He swiftly maneuvered through the traffic and made his way to the other side of the street. There, he saw a beautiful wing before him. It was love at first sight.

The chicken walked over to the wing and gave her a note. The wing opened it and read it.

Hey, I think you are really hawt🥵
Call me😏😩😉
07191 525401

The wing fluttered her eyelashes and took the chicken by his hand. The chicken followed the wing all the way to her house. Once they arrived, the wing met the chicken's eyes and gave him the sloppiest kiss ever.


*1 week later*

The wing recieved her pregnancy test and it came back positive. The chicken and the wing were going to be parents! This is the best thing that ever happened to them.

*98 months later*  (Wings take long to give birth ok!)

The wing was laying in her hospital bed, pushing a human out of her million dollar poo$$ay. Once it came out, a beautiful chicken wing was standing in front of the two new parents. What a beautiful sight.

Suddenly, the beef nurse took off her disguise and revealed her real face. It-it was a human! The chicken, the wing and the chicken wing were shocked! They tried to make a run for it, but it was too late. The human grabbed the chicken wing by its wing and gulped it down, showing no mercy. "You're next WAHHAHAHA." He ate the chicken and the wing and licked his lips. "Noice."

Out of nowhere, a medium sized chicken came and ate the human! "Mmm😩"

Try to guess what happens next

You guessed it! A giant chicken came and ate the medium sized chicken that ate the human! "Delicious🥴" Behind the giant chicken was a whole army of chickens. They went out of the hospital and destroyed the whole city called Cox.

Cox was never seen again....

The giant chicken army took over....

What a shame....

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