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Dear Reader,

Before I begin this story I would just like to say that this story does contain a lot of historical aspects in it. As is takes place in the World War II era, I tried to keep things as accurate as possible. A lot of research has been put into it. I apologize ahead of time because there will be historical inaccuracies, as I'm an American trying to teach herself the United Kingdom's point of view of the war. Trust me that is no easy task. I've always been intrigued by this era, it has always been my favorite thing to learn about in History class, and I know a lot about  it but all from the US' side. The British and US were Allies in the war but each country still had different events. I will try to keep things as accurate as possible, though a whole lot of you aren't from Britain either and most likely aren't very familiar with all this history. Plus there are things and events I will be changing and making up for the story.

Wow, that sounds so formal and not me-ish. Ahaha, I just wanted to sound serious for once. >.<

All this talk of history makes it sound so BORING and trust me this is first, and foremost, a Larry Stylinson fanfiction. I got the inspiration from an AU meme GIF I saw on Tumblr of the boys all dressed like sailors and the idea just popped into my mind and before I knew it a story had blossomed right before me. Now, I was planning on quitting fanfiction once my Niam story was finished (which it isn't yet) and I wasn't going to start a new one but alas fanfiction has kept its grasp on me. So you darlings are all stuck with me for another story ;)

By the way, my apologies for the horrid description, I literally suck at writing those things >.<

Not much else I can say besides, sit back, relax, maybe grab a corn dog or an ice pop I don't know what your snack preferences are, and enjoy the gay--er I mean story. Enjoy the story :)

Yours truly, 



**Vote-Comment-Fan Me-Message Me-Stay Beautiful**

bai loves.xx-Paige

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