Chapter one: The move

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  Today Brooklyn, my sister, and I were outside playing basketball. It was a normal quiet day in the neighborhood. Well, it was until a moving van and a white truck pulled into the driveway across the street.  We were happy to see we had new neighbors, especially cute ones. So that night Brooklyn and I stayed up all night talking about going to introduce ourseleves tomorrow but we were too shy and scared.

   They might not like us, just like everybody else.

   Even our parents are disappointed in everything we do, good or bad. That was before our mom left us for some man that just uses her for her body. Our dad is also an alchoholic and he abuses us every time he got the chance to. Half the time he would beat us for no reason and if we cried he would beat us harder and harder with his black leather belt.

   So the next day, we went over to our new neighbor's house to introduce ourselves to them, luckily they weren't home. I know for sure that both Brooklyn and I were not ready to talk to them. What would we say? What if they wanted us to come have a seat and talk for a bit, which i doubt it nobody would want us to come into their house. We quickly walked back to our house.

  That afternoon our dad got back earlier than usual. I just knew what was coming. I heard him lash his thick leather belt out from around his waist.

"Abby, Brooklyn," he shouted,''I have a suprise for you!"

  I was close to tears, but I had to stay strong. I quickly ran dowstairs.

"Where is Brooklyn?"

"In her room, sleeping" I instantly answered, trying to protect my sister.

  Brooklyn was actually upstairs crying. She knows what was about to happened. I mean, she is only 15. She shouldn't go through this pain. Nobody should go through this at all.

"Well tell her to get her ass down here before she gets it worse!" He growls, taking a step forward.

I ran upstairs to get Brooklyn. I found her kneeling next to her bed, praying. Probably wishing for this whole situation to blow over. Oh, how i wish.

"Dad wants you down there and he is mad," I muttered.

  Brooklyn took a deep breathe and slowly got up and followed me. We had the same look on our faces. We go through this everyday but we can never manage to get used to it, new bruises all over again.

  "About time, lets get this over with."

He hits Brooklyn first, slapping the leather belt across her back. Brooklyn instantly cried out in pain. He hit her repeatedly, finally she couldn't take it anymore and collasped. He then worked his way with me slapping me and punching. Our screams are loud but of course no one will hear us.

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