chapter 2

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i woke up to dixie shaking me lightly
"char wake up we're going to the beach in an hour we need to get ready" she whispered
i slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the beaming light that was filling me room
"ok ok i'm up" i softly said before getting up and dragging myself to the closet
"ok i'll give you time to get ready and i'll make a small breakfast since we'll probably eat there!"
she said as she walked out
"ok bye dix love you!" i said

hmm, now what to wear..


i pulled out a baggy top and shorts and a blue swimsuit underneath as it hoping to swim there.

i put on the outfit and a smile arose from my face, i felt really pretty and that's a rare feeling.
i put on some light waterproof makeup just so i don't look that ugly.

i walked downstairs and the smell of warm toast filled my nose, i immediately started bolting down as for some reason, i love toast, and when i say it love it, i mean it, i love toast.
"TOAST!" i yelled as i entered into the kitchen
"yes it's toast" dixie said as she laughed at my obsession, i mean it's not hurting anyone so it's fine.

after i had demolished the toast i was full, so i went upstairs to brush my teeth and get my bag, it didn't put much in the bag just sunscreen, a hat,a book and a portable charger.

"dixie i'm ready!" i yelled
"okay come downstairs to the car it's all packed up!" she responded.
i walked downstairs and skilled to the car, making sure i've locked the front and back door, we certainly don't want anyone breaking in, right?

"are we going to pick your friends up and drive them with us in the car or will we meet them there?" i asked
"does it look like there's any room for anyone in the car" she said pointed to the back of the car which was packed with unnecessary items.
"yeah nevermind." i replied
we got to the beach after what felt like hours of driving. we got out and spotted two of dixies friends, there was 3 other people coming in total, "why is there only 2 people here?" i said
"oh lemme go ask, you get some things out the car or something." she said whilst she started jogging to her friends.

i got some random things out which included a pillow,some type of candle and.. wait why is there a candle-? anyways i finished taking everything NORMAL out the car and but he time i was finished dixie came back

"soo? where is the other person" i said
"he's stuck in traffic right now but he's near the entrance" she said
"ohh oka- WAAIT HE?!" i said
"yeahh?" she said
"but- you didn't tell me there was going to be a boy!" i complained
"charli, there's literally 3 boys and 3 girls chill out" she said
"fine" i replied
"let's just start walking and maybe the 'boy' will come" i said "WAITWAITWAIT IS ANY OF THEM YOYR BOYFRIEND" i added
"HAHAHAHAHA YES I'LL INTRODUCE HIM WHEN WE GET THERE" she said whilst we jogged to her two friends

we finally made it to dixie's friends
"hi guys i brought my sister because her friend dropped her and she was lonely"
dixie immediately said
"it's okay" a curly haired girl said whilst letting out a few laughs "oh by the way i'm avani!" she added
"charli" i said with a smile holding out my hand but instead she pulled me into a big hug
"okay- okay we get it chill you'll squish her to death any second" a male voice said "oh yeah hi charli i'm noah dixies boyfriend" he said
"nice to meet you noah" i said

"ughhh when is he coming i want to go swim already" a random person standing behind avani and noah said
"oh hey dixies who's this" they said
"my little sister charli" she replied
"oh hey charli i'm larray" he said
"hey larray nice to meet you!" i said
"nice to meet you too and by the way i'm the main character here dixie acts like it but really isn't" he said with a smug look
"rude!" dixie said
i just laughed

"let's just go down to the beach already i'll text chase that we're down there" avani said
"yeah do tha-" i said before getting cut off

"no need for that my friends" a familiar voice said as a tall figure walked into the circle
"CHASE" noah said "FINALLY" avani and dixie said "WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG OMG" larray said before play punching him

"who's this?" he said pointing at me
"charli, dixies little sister" i said before putting my hand out
"hm. chase" he said in a.. not so friendly way before shaking my hand
"gosh chase don't be rude" noah said

"it's okay he's better than addison." i said letting out a chuckle
"addison who?" he said
"addison rae why?" i replied
"oh that toxic bitch. he dated me for a week and cheated on me 5 times during the week i was low-key heartbroken since she was my first ever girlfriend" he replied
"oh i'm sorry-?" i said
"it's okay i was literally 12 years old" he laughed

uh hi?

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