Madame Kali/Evelyn Poole | 𝓣𝓸𝓸 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼..

Start from the beginning

I close her door and let out a deep breath. I rushed out to find Mrs. Jones and tell her about Madame Poole's request. She nodded then she said that my job is done for today and I can go to my room. I thank her and leaves.

Hours passed. It's almost midnight. I keep toss and turn in my bed trying my best to fall asleep, but I couldn't. Then I hear a knock on my door.

"Y/n. Wake up and get dressed! Madame Poole requested to see you!" Mrs. Jones said from the outside.

Oh no.. is she going to kill me? I just work here. She just saw me once and she already want to get rid of me?

"Yes Mrs. Jones I'll be out in a minute" I answered.

"Madame Poole will be upstairs in her private bathroom. She'll wait you there." She said.

"Yes Mrs. Jones" I said quickly. Then I hear her footsteps moving away.

I quickly get up and get dressed.

I walked fast, almost running to Madame Poole's private bathroom. It's awfully quiet here in the manor. I keep walking through the hallway and went upstairs. I can hear someone humming. Wait no.. it's more like singing..

As I'm getting closer to her bathroom, my heart beat becomes so fast. I'm so scared. The bathroom door already wide open. I stepped closer and closer.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. There's a body laying on the floor. A bloody naked woman's body with her throat slit open. And Madam Poole bathing in what I assume is that women's blood. I stops and stand still on the door frame. I couldn't move my body. Then Madame Poole stop singing, stub out her cigarette, and turn her face to look at me.

"Don't just stand there sweetheart.. come in" She said with a sweetly.

I force myself to move, I stepped inside, walked around the dead body, and sit on the stairs beside the tub.

"Y-You want to s-see me Madame?" I asked nervously.

"Yes darling.. as you can see, there is no one left in this manor. I told them all to leave because I need a quiet bath. I even sent my daughter to gather information about that Vanessa girl." She said.

I didn't answer. I'm confused and scared. And I think she noticed that. She sit up straight and move closer to me. I flinched a little bit.

"Are you scared of me sweetheart?" She asked.

"N-No Madam.. I'm just-"

"Look at me then" She cut me off.

I did. I look at her. Her body covered up with thick red blood. She looks so scary but hot at the same time. Holy fuck what's wrong with me..

"Since you're new here. I need to.. get to know you. That's why I called you here." she said.

"O-Oh.. I thought.."

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