clip(still apart of the story)

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"ok so i found a clip that i have never seen so i thought we would look at it together"the N said as she pulled up the video

TG:"so do you want to talk about it"(i dont know the guys name so im going to put "TG") 

hope:"talk about what"

TG:"what happened in gym class"

hayley:"what happened in gym class"

the N:shhh

hope:"it was a accident"

TG:"and nothing triggered it"


playing ball

 hope:see londan)trows the ball super hard at some guy

every body:owww

kol:that had to hurt

(end out flashback

hope:"no like i said it was an accident"

TG:"do you think maybe you were working out some anger,maybe some relationship issues"

hope looks at him with a smilie

TG:"ok,why don't you tell me what happened yesterday"


girl:"check this out klaus mikaelson the great evil,heyguys this is so creepy"

hope starts walking out

girl:"hopes dad was like a mass murderer"

rebekah:"oh come on shes standing right there"

lights start going on and off books start felling behind hope,en enger wave comes of hope ,everyone look at her

kol:"well damn"everyone just noddes

(end off flashback)

hope:"yesterday um i had a really bad headache

freya:"sure thats what we'll call it a headache"

landon comes in

rebekah:"bloody hell i would leave if i were him"

hope:"what is he doing here

TG:"well i thought it would be good for the three of us to have a chat"

hope:"well you can't really have a couple session if we're not a couple an you....right"


landon the dummy:"i don't know what we are

hope"well he walked away because he thinks i can't handle him being human 

landon the idot:"because you can't....."

the Nthis is where i would just run

everyone looked at her

the N :"what this is getting good"

landon:and i didnt walk away 

hope:"your feet physically moved in a direction away from me " 

the N claped and popcorn and everyones fav food was in there hands

londen:"i mean from the reationship not permanently i just needed i-"


londen:"i don't know" 

hope:"yeah well things are complicated clearly"

TG:"i actually think that its all connected,landon the anger ,you father-"

hope:"you're wrong i don't have time for this all right i was on the trail of my monster


hope:"yes i saw one walk on the school grounds and i tracked it into the building and i tracked it into this room actually"

hope"oh my god you're the monster"

the N:"plot twist"

TG:"hope you know who i am i'm dr goodfellow(so thats his name i lowkey was writing with the vide i should have played it first my bad)i'm the guidance counselor here you have known your whole life..remember"

hope:"right sorry"she walks out

londan the human now"i can go"

"no londan,i think you should stay we need to talk about you future"

ferya:"wow that"

the n:"right, well see yeah

klaus:"where are you going?"

the n:"home i have school tomorrow im 12 yeah know"

hayley:"what about us"

the n claped in they were in new orlensa

the n"now the place is not reall sense sonme of you are dead this is all i can do,good night"

and with that she went back to her world,she closed her computer an went to bed


Look at HopemikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang