Chapter 1 (Anahita)

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Four months later...

Anahita was bored out of her mind. She was sitting on the windowsill of the only window that was in Alberto's hideout, which was also where Anahita stayed, and was looking out said window. Alberto went out to find more human trinkets to add to his collection, but Anahita didn't go with him, because she wanted some time to herself. And now she kind of regretted not going with him, because now she was boreeeeeed.

Anahita had been living with Alberto on Isola Del Mare for four months now, and during those four months,  Anahita had learned quite a bit about Alberto. Particularly that he had an unbridled enthusiasm for the human world, which was why he collected human objects that were lost to the sea, and the fact that he had a dad who wasn't around often, which was why he lived alone before Anahita showed up. But even though Alberto had told Anahita a lot about himself, she didn't really tell him anything about her past. Mainly because she felt guilty for swimming away and not helping her mother when she was caught and beaten by the humans who attacked her pod. Anahita hoped that she'd forget about it all by now, but, in fact, she didn't. She also hated seeing humans sail and fish near the island, because just catching a brief glance at them triggered the memories of her mother being killed by them.

'Well, I'm not gonna sit around in here all day 'till Alberto comes back ,' Anahita thought. She then caught a brief glance at the ocean and thought 'Maybe I should wait near the shore 'till he gets back.' And so, she hopped down from the windowsill, grabbed her seaweed shoulder bag that was given to her by her mother, and creeped out of the hideout.

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The shore of Isola Del Mare was how it always had been. It had a small, rocky beach and waves that gently drenched it. It was always Anahita's favorite place to hang out when she wanted to relax. When she got to the shore, she sat down far from the waves so they wouldn't touch her and trigger her sea monster form --- her true form --- and she gazed absentmindedly at the ocean. 'The waves look pretty calm today,' Anahita began to think, but that thought was interrupted by a loud scream that made Anahita jump. Thinking that someone must've gotten hurt, she got up and rushed to where the scream was coming from.

Peaking up from behind a rock, Anahita saw Alberto sitting on another rock near the waves holding some sort of shepard's crook, and starring at a young boy who was screaming and rolling around on the ground. The boy had curly, dark brown hair, pale skin like Anahita's, and brown eyes. He also didn't have any human clothes, like Anahita did when she first came to land, and only had a pair of seaweed shorts on. "First time?" Alberto asked the boy. The boy stopped screaming. "Of course it is!" he shouted, "I'm a good kid!" Alberto rolled his eyes. "Hey," he said, "Relax and breathe." Anahita then watched as the boy took a deep breath and gazed wonderingly at all the sights around him.

"Well," Alberto asked the boy, "Isn't it great?" The boy starred at him for a moment. "Uh, no!" he answered, "It's bad and...I'm not supposed to be up here!" The boy then rolled into the water and transformed into a sea monster with green and blue scales and royal blue fins and "hair" right before Anahita's eyes. "Good day," the sea monster boy said, and he dived into the water. Alberto then walked over to the waves and held out the shepard's crook that he was holding over them. A moment later, the sea monster boy returned and took the crook. "Thank you," he said, and he swam away....only to come back one more time. "Good day," he said, "Again," and he finally disappeared beneath the water's surface.

Once the sea monster boy was gone,  Anahita came out of her hiding spot. "Alberto," she asked as she walked towards him, "Who was that?" Alberto turned towards her. "Someone I met while I was finding some more human things," he answered, "We probably won't be seeing him again, so you don't have to worry about him." Anahita was confused. "Did you find the human things in a shipwreck? " she asked. Alberto laughed. "No!" he said as he started to pile some of the human objects he'd found into Anahita's arms, "I stole them from a boat that was sailing near the island last night, but then I got caught in the boat's net and I lost them. And while I was trying to find them on the seafloor, I accidentally stole that kid's shepard's crook and he followed me all the way here! Crazy, right?"

Anahita didn't know what to say or how to feel about what Alberto had said, so she just sighed and said, "Let's just put these in your hideout." Alberto nodded and, after he filled his arms with the rest of the human items he collected, he started to walk towards his hideout. However, before Anahita followed him, she starred absentmindedly at the sea one more time. She couldn't help but wonder, 'Where in the ocean did that sea monster boy go? '

Pixar's Luca (with Anahita)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora