"How are you so sure of that, Larry?! How do you know we will just find our way to each other again?!" I wept, increasing my voice tone.

He sighed. "Because you're Olivia, and he's Joshua. You guys are THE Jolivia." He pointed out.

I nodded my head, trying to brush all my thoughts. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I regretted. "I simply don't know what to do now. I'm stuck."

"Maybe some sunlight will help you. Let's walk around the park, and crack each other up." He suggested. Before I could disagree, he carried me on his back to his car. "See, it's a beautiful day, and you're a beautiful girl. It's a perfect match." He smiled, placing me in the passenger seat of his car. He walked back into my apartment and brought some shoes and a coat. I gave him a quiet thank you, and we drove to the park.

"Do you want something to eat?" He pointed to the Cafe we were passing by.

"I guess." I shrugged. He nodded and parked there.

"I'll wait for you here." He smiled at me. I nodded and walked out of the car.

Josh's POV:

"When you almost kissed me, I needed to make up my mind, I could either tell her on not." I explained. "I did, and now we're taking a break or something." I hid my face with my hands.

"Oh... I'm really sorry." She lamented. "I don't know what got into me, and I just, I don't know, got caught up in our past for a second I thought you did too. I know this is my fault, I just-" She rambled.

"Alyssa, I didn't tell you all this for you to feel guilty about it. I get it is was a mistake." I held her hand. She shook her head, still not convinced. "Bug, it's fine. I know when you're sincere." I tried to put up a smile for her.

"Bug. I missed that nickname." She giggled.

"Yeah, I did too." I agreed, chuckling a little bit.

"Are we still good?" She looked at me with her hazel eyes. I stood up and nodded, opening my arms to hug her.

"Of course. I won't just lose my childhood best friend for a meaningless kiss." I answered as she walked into my arms. There was a comfortable silence until I spoke up. "You know, I really hate you." I grinned.

"Yeah," She laughed. "I hate you too, Jojo." She pulled away from the hug and punched my arm.

"Not that nickname." I groaned, rolling my head back. Something inside of me made me look to my left. 

Oh no. This is a joke, right?

Olivia's POV:

I just witnessed all that. He held her hand and hugged her. Then they laughed. His face completely changed when he saw me. We made eye contact for a millisecond before I walked out of the line and rushed out.

"Olivia!" I heard someone run to me. "Wait!"

"What do you want, Joshua?" I fumed, turning around.

"I know what you're thinking." He tried to catch his breath. "That wasn't all at what you think." He shook his head.

He's got to be kidding me.

"Really? I didn't just see you laugh with her and hug her. That was all in my mind?" I crossed my arms. Why did I have to care about him so much? He broke me. It felt like he took my heart and crumbled it up like it was paper.

"Put yourself in my shoes, we're best friends. We've been best friends our whole life." He explained, trying to get closer to me.

"Right. You guys have history." I hissed. "Some history we don't have. I get it, just run back to her, and stop hurting me." I whimpered. I don't want to cry in front of him. 

"What?! Is that really what you think?!" His tone became louder. "I thought you knew me well enough to know I wouldn't do that to you, or to her." He scoffed.

"I guess I don't know you at all." I shot back, rolling my eyes.

"Who are you, Olivia?" He tried to comprehend me. "You just give up on us? Did you never care?" He furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"You were the one that never cared." I argued back.

"What?! When did I ever say that?!" He asked, throwing his hands up. He didn't... I just- I saw it like that? "I know I gave you a big reason for you not to trust me, alright. I get that." He calmed down. "I really-"

"Listen, I don't want to be here anymore." I cut him out. Just a couple more seconds and I can get into Larry's car and cry. Just don't break now.

"Why are we doing this to each other?" He questioned. Don't cry. Just not now.

"I-" I started, but before I could say another word, I burst out crying.

"Liv," He panicked, walked closer to me. He tried to soothe me, but I took a few steps back.

"Don't touch me." I snapped. I took one last glance at him through my teary eyes before I rushed past him to Larry's car.

"Are we ready to- Wait, what happened?" Larry asked me.

"Please. Just take me home." I closed my eyes. I didn't want to explain anything to him. What am I supposed to do now?

Josh's POV:

I bid goodbye to Alyssa before I stormed to my house. Stupid. Stupid is what you label as a person who can't nice and formal have a chat with their girlfriend.

Olivia asked for a pause because I messed up with Alyssa. Alyssa the one to blame here. My relationship with Alyssa was so inexperienced. We were children, playing around. Look at where we are now. I know we're best friends, and putting the blame on her seems kind of a hypocrite of me to do since I told her it wasn't her wrongdoing, but thinking about it, she isn't innocent in this.

Before I knew it, I found myself with my guitar in my hands.

Started out, started out so simple
We were running 'round, running 'round like children
How did we allow, we allow
This story to fall so south?
What were we, what were we both thinking?
We were so naive, so naive believing
We were still happy, still happy
How could I ignore my doubts?

I keep on telling myself we had something good

Did we stay together longer than we should?
Were we just playing pretend because we could?
Was it really that good?
I keep on telling myself it's not what it was
Did we just want to believe that this was love?
Was it really worth the trouble that it caused?
Look where we ended up
I keep on telling myself
Oh, don't pretend, don't pretend
You're all of a sudden innocent, innocent
My darling, how could you forget, you forget
The first half of the story now?
I keep on telling myself we had something good
Did we stay together longer than we should?
Were we just playing pretend because we could?
Was it really that good?
I keep on telling myself

The song described my thoughts about Alyssa and I dating, and now were we are. My life is a complete mess.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia)Where stories live. Discover now