The meeting and the inventing

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Miu was walking home from school and felt raindrops bounce on to her hair and shoulders "shit,fuck I don't have anything,god damnetttt" miu groaned to herself and took out her books outta her bag and placed it on her head and swearing to herself for not having a umbrella and feeling the rain fall. After a while of walking she felt really cold and upset "Jesus where the fuck is my house? Why does it gotta be so fucking foggy and cold,my nips and clips can't handle this." (Extensions) then miu felt rain stopping and she looked behind her to see a little robot that always faded in to the darkness "uh hey....what's your name again?" "K1b0 but please call me kiibo" "uh whatever and GIVE ME THAT" miu snatched the umbrella and put it up more "what was that for....uh?" "Iruma dickwad" miu said offended he forgot her name "right apologies madam" kiibo said "what's with The proper shit??" Miu said confused "I-I thought that's what girls like you love." "Excuse me?" Kiibo realized how this conversation could go and he needed to act fast to steer the conversation from a beat down in the rain "I'm sorry,let's just- hurry and get outta the rain" "heh you said it" miu agreed and kiibo smiled and they continued. When they got to mius house kiibo tried to leave but was stopped by miu "where do you think you're going?" Miu said "u-umm home?" "In the rain? Bahaaaa no cmere" miu dragged kiibo in to her home and then in to the basement "wow iruma-san your basements so-"fabulous I knowwww" Miu gushed "I was gonna say big but yeah that to" kiibo agreed "alright let's get to work just lay down there and I'll grab my parts" Miu said and kiibo reluctantly did as he was asked "done,now you won't feel a thing- hopefully" "what are you planning on doing iruma-san?" MIU was puzzled by the new nickname but rolled with it "I'm gonna make you water fucking proof" miu said excited "oh-umm are you sure?" "Yeah dummy I'm an inventor I know how to do hundreds of things now relax and let mama do the work." Miu said and kiibo blushed by the "mama" part but relaxed and let Miu work on her.


Kiibo woke up feeling groggy and looked around "oh yeah I'm in iruma-sans basement but where is she?" Kiibo thought and he got up and looked around then leaving the room he was in to explore her really huge house "holy this is massive" kiibo thought highly impressed "wow even her bathroom is spotless" "I'm a Germaphobe" miu said behind him causing him to freak and jump "a-ah iruma-San I'm so sorry i d-didn't-"bahahahahahaaaa" "huh?" Kiibo was confused because miu was laughing her ass off "omggg your face hahaha my stomach" miu said "y-you're not mad?" "Hell nah your face ha hahaaa" miu was giggling at that point causing kiibo to relax "anyways how do you feel?" "Uhh. Like myself?" Kiibo said "no you idiot do you feel anything bad "o-oh no" "good let's get to school your uniform is in the dryer along with my clothes since I let you sleep in a marvellous house like my own be a dear and grab my stuff while you're at it" miu ordered "yes mam" "heh I'll never get over your proper attitude" miu thought and waited for kiibo to give her,the clothes she asked for "here you go" "thanks dear" miu said "of course..umm- does this mean we're friends?" "Sure" "oh okay" kiibo said happy he made a friend and miu didn't really care. They both put there uniforms on and left mius house to go to school "yeesh it's windy out" miu said cold "u-umm iruma-San?" "Yeah?" "Are you wearing a..ahem bra?" "why are you looking there you pervert!" "Sorry I just- uh." Kiibo pointed and miu looked down her nipples were showing due to how cold it was "well fuck" "why aren't you wearing a bra?" Kiibo closed his eyes "because I don't feel like it damn get out my asshole will you?!" Miu said annoyed "sorry" and miu just covered her breasts so nobody saw her nipples "why don't you run and get a bra I'll tell you if the bus comes" "nah,I don't want saggy Tits when I'm old" miu objected "aren't you a minor?" "I'm eighteen thank you and aren't you sounding a bit creepy?" They both had each other "miu just put on a bra" "whatever dad but if I have saggy tits when I'm forty I'm frying your ass especially if we miss the bus" "u-understood" and miu ran inside and came out "better?" "M-much" and the bus soon came and kiibo sat with miu and it was silent "hey? You got ears" "of course I do!" Kiibo said a bit offended "here" "what's this" "earbuds?? Have you not heard of these? Dad much" "can you stop calling me dad please?" "Whatever" miu said and kiibo took the earbud and they listened to mius music which was Marina and the diamonds "why does this women sounds so proper?" Kiibo thought and they continued listening until they got to school where kiibo and miu took out there earbud and miu placed it in her boob which caused kiibo to blush and cringe "let's go virgin" miu said getting up and leaving and kiibo following behind her and they both walked up and inside and kiibo saw irumas friends they looked like weirdos they were tan and blond and had a lot of eyeshadow on "surprised?" Miu asked "very" "well these are gyarus" "gyarus?" Kiibo asked not aware of this new thing "it's a fashion,anyways see you later loser pants" miu walked off to her friends and kiibo found rantaro and himiko talking "wow,that really happened" "yup it's all about magiccccc" himiko said "hey rantaro hey himiko "hey" "hello,I was just telling rantaro about how I got a bunny outta my hat wanna hear about it?" "Sure" kiibo said and he sat down and listened until the bell rung "damn I gotta go to science" "I got history" himiko slouched and groaned  "same here" kiibo said to himiko trying to make her feel some sort of positive attitude "later" rantaro said "bye" "goodbye rantaro" himiko said. "Now class the Japanese" the teacher said talking about the Russo-Japanese war which was really boring to kiibo and himiko. "Himiko what is the answer to number five" "it's c right?" "Correct good job" mr.ruko said and tenko cheered her silently which caused himiko to blush a little "now angie do you know the answer to number seven?" "Auta says a" Angie said cheerful as usual "correct good job both of you" "aw thank you and atua is gleeful as well" angie said and the teacher kept asking students for the answers until the end of class which soon occurred "okay class you know what to do homework 5.6 is due Thursday,get it done!" Mr.ruko warned and the students agreed or nodded and left the room "okay next class" kiibo thought to himself then he saw miu walking by herself looking sad about something "hey iruma-san why are you sad?" "Huh? I'm not sad dumass I just got my ass handed to me today" miu said annoyed "oh I'm sorry that happened" "it's whatever I'll beat that brats ass if that's the last thing I do" "let's not do that irumas-San" kiibo calmed down miu "whatever" miu said still mad and they both went to there class and sat down "hello ms.iruma do you have your paper for once?" "I do for once" miu said pulling out her homework fully done "good" ms.tashi said "fuckin blow me" miu said under her breath "anyways did anybody else bring there homework?" Ms.tashi asked and some students including angie and kiibo pulled out the homework but kiibo was surprised that miu did his homework "woah,I didn't know she did that to,she's really kind then she makes herself out to be" kiibo smiled at miu who sat right in front of him "anyways on to our lesson" ms.toshi said and she was discussing about plot lines "didn't we already learn this in sixth grade?" Miu said trying to get under ms.toshis skin "well if you payed attention for once we learned it in 8th grade" tsumugi said annoying miu "shut up" miu said "can I continue?" Ms.toshi said and both the girls said nothing after and she continued with her lesson. Miu just toned her out by texting her friends secretly behind her computer until ms.toshi saw and told her to put it away and miu did as she was told and rolled her eyes in the process and ms.toshi continued with annoyance.

#####AT THE END OF THE DAY########

miu was cleaning ms.toshis classroom because miu actually liked her they matched the same energy and they both had a fascination with gyaru and makeup "done" "you may leave" "don't gotta tell me twice" miu said working and attitude" "heh I'll never get tired of your bratty attitude" ms.toshi said happy "glad you won't" miu said rolling her eyes "hey iruma-san ready to go home?" "Sure,I'm starving though let's stop by somewhere and get snacks" "uh sure." While they were walking miu decided to ask "where's your family?" "I don't Uh..Really have one" kiibo said "me neither.." Miu admitted "what? What happened" "they died when they were trying to invent something,it aunts took care of me from then on" "are you okay?" Kiibo asked "could be better. It only really hurts when it's mother's or Father's Day" miu said "so how did you get created" "I was built iruma-san isn't it obvious?" Kiibo asked "is that rhetorical?" Miu teased "h-huh?" Kiibo didn't get it "ugh whatever anyways what happens next in the family tree of k1b0?" "Well he died in a way?" "Hmm we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" "thanks..iruma-San" "it's whatever" miu rubbed his "hair" which shocked her "o- damnet" miu said grabbing her shocked hand "oh I'm sorry iruma-San" "it's whatever let's just get snacks I'm starving" miu said and they walked and miu put her arm around kiibo and they walked "wow I didn't realize how short you were bahahahaha" "hey don't laugh, program me taller" kiibo said but miu was just laughing "BAHAA skinny mini" "you're only tall because of your heels" "heh if that's what you think" miu abruptly stopped laughing and proceeded to take off her heels "still taller try again" miu teased and kiibo looked down and noticed she wasn't on her tippy toes "whatever" kiibo said embarrassed and miu put on her heels and they walked again to the store for the snacks........

Metal gears and an inventors heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora